Becoming so disheartened ...


Well-Known Member
27 August 2011
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Hi all, another grumbling post from me. You lot are properly becoming bored of it by now, but in all honesty you have always been supportive and have helped in the bad situations I have had.

Well, it's been a month and a bit now since I dropped out of uni, I have looked for jobs every day of the week, horse related and non horse related. On the horse front I am getting very disheartened because I don't have any formal qualifications, I feel like I am one that will be never considered. I have a lot of hands on experience and have been classed as a very good rider (not just my opinion :p) ...

So where can i look for more horse jobs aside from yardandgroom and career grooms? Any tips to make myself stand out? :)


Well-Known Member
12 June 2011
The Yard...
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Every groom we have ever had have got the job from either introducing themselves at a show or turning up and asking for work. They have all been willing to prove themselves, and all started at the very very bottom.


Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
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Just visit the yards in your area - alot of yard owners/managers will go with word of mouth or people popping into the yard on the off chance. Go round the yards and ask for work the worst that can happen is they say no - Good lluck hun x:)


Demon exorcist...
17 July 2007
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you have to be dedicated in the horse world, forget money, forget having a life, you need to go with applications, and be honest about your experiance but stress your dedication and how much you want to work with horses.

Qualifactions meen sod all, i dont have any but have had some top jobs and worked for some of the most famous people all over the world. having a good reputation, and being trustworthy and able to carry out orders got me my jobs.

going in and being able to be told to do x y z and doing it to a high standard counted far more than letters after my name.

you mention career grooms, these guys have some of the top names on thier books, they also care about their staff, id suggest giving them a call and speaking to them, as im confident they will be able to match you with a decent job.

of course, you need to be willing to work 18 hours a day, never need sleep, and willing to move any where in the country, and when you get paid a pittance be grateful you are learning a huge amount.

Echo Bravo

Well-Known Member
6 August 2009
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Why not advertise your self in the freebees or in tack or feed shops as freelance (you need insurance) you might be surprised as many people need help when they go away or ill and if you get a good reputation, it goes from word of mouth:D


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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Its hard to find jobs at this time of year as if they were taking on for Xmas they have already done it.
What skills have you got? Make a list and look waht jobs they could apply to. It may not be your prefered job but you have to start somewhere.
Most employers want people that come when they say, are good timekeepers, work hard and are polite to their customers. To get a good reference I would take any job and build on that.
As to horse jobs I'm afraid they do like to pay very little and some provide accomadation that would do Dickens proud but I would look one to live in.
My daughter left uni with a degree but couldn't get her dream or even a nightmare job. In the end she managed to find part time job and started doing clothing alterations( her degree is in fashion), she now makes bespoke dresses and alters and remakes bridal gowns and has more work that she can do working for herself.
Its not what she would have chosen but it pays the bills and she does have the chance to design pieces sometimes.
Do you drive, are you small and light, can you clip,can you plait to a high standard? Make over someones horse for free on a horse big yard and see if you get leads. Make sure you print business cards and have them on you at ALL times. Go round DIY yards and see if you can get some mucking out and have a scale of charges ready
Think about what you can offer and then fit it to what people want. BUT you must be reliable, run a diary and try not to double book or let anyone down. Good luck.