been on twiggy today! - self indulgent post, sorry!


Well-Known Member
11 April 2005
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Been on my new ex racer today! We have been walking her out in hand with normal tack on and the stirrups down all week without a fuss so decided to take the plunge and get on! Walked her round in hand in the arena for about ten minutes just to make sure we were all nice and chilled. Had my mum at the front end with a lunge attached just for safetys sake and a helper to leg me on. Didnt put my ffet in stirrups at first and had no contact on my reins - just a small handful of mane! After doing this quietly popped my feet in the stirrups and took up a bit of the slack on the reins and did a bit more walking with my mum by my side with no fuss whatsoever. Very pleased with my baby! Aim to do the same again tomorrow just in walk with me maybe taking over the steering a bit and mum giving us a bit more rein on the lunge line.

ooooo Im so excited about her!


Well-Known Member
19 December 2004
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oh well done thats brilliant. she's real pretty i saw the pic you put up of her. sounds like your handling things lovely with her. i ope it keeps going so well for you!