Behavior Issues


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20 May 2020
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I have a 27yr TB gelding that I've had for 15 years. He had a compaction a year ago that passed away. unfortunately it took a year or so longer to find another horse I could bring in. I have no turnout and no way to separate them because my property only has a large corral they share. That said, its been 4 weeks and they are still firing back and forth with kicks. My new mare (20yr TB) was very tolerant in the beginning because she was getting acclimated, and let my gelding have things his way. (He was head of the pack when my mule was with him.) He was diagnosed with Cushings early this year and is on pain maintenance. That said, she must have gotten sick of his bossiness, because apparently last night sometime there was a kicking match and it looks like she got him good in the right hindquarter. He has a slight limp and what looks like an impact site on his hindquarters with missing fur. There doesn't appear to be any swelling and its not tender to my pressure when I checked him out, I'm not a vet though and want to be sure he's gonna be okay. Just wondering what to look for besides the obvious before I call a vet out like - an increase in pain and/or inability to walk/stand? I know its gonna take time to work out the pecking order but really, how long before they get along? tyia


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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I don't want to depress you but I've had horses out together that have never got on. Is the mare on loan and you could send her back and look for another companion? How big is the corral - it may be that they feel that they can't get away from each other enough. Re the injury - if your horse is limping I'd get the vet out asap.


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20 May 2020
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Thank you for the reply, since my original post things have settled down and the abscess is gone after soaking and wrapping his hoof. She is a rescue that was just thrown away when they were done with her and I don’t feel it fair to throw her away too. I have since been able to provide each a separate space with shade, ample water and misters so they are cool this summer. It’s going to be hot here in Phoenix this year. Thanks again and stay well!


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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That's good news. We think it's hot here in England but it's probably nothing compared to your summers.