best bit for a rising 4 yr old cob?


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15 January 2011
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My LW cob is rising 4 and currently turned away till Feb/march when she will be bought back into work. I hope to do a bit of dressage (prelim) with her aswell as a few cob classes throughout the summer, not too much, am in no rush.
She was backed in July time and did a bit of schooling, a w&t test and was hacking out quietly alone and in company. I turned her away in October.
Because i will be planning on concentrating a bit more and preparing for cob classes and a bit of dressage i will be looking for a bit, she was broken in a full cheek snaffle (french link) and went okay in that.
I had her wolf teeth removed and the dentist gave them a through rasp and check up back in November and told me that she had a fairly small mouth so i thinner mouth piece would be better suited.
I want to make it comfortable for her and also to make communications crystal clear and for her to be able to work correctly and comfortably with as little stress as possible.
I wanted to try some of these bits, what do you think? any recommendations?


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26 March 2009
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My girl (normal sized mouth, though rather full of tongue!) get on very well in a trans at first, then after some time (couple of years) schooling we moved to the verbindent as the shape suits her mouth well - I wouldn't have gone for this bit initially though as it is quite a pronounced shape in her mouth. We also tried a myler but she didn't get on with the shape. She has a very soft mouth and I think the lack of movement in the myler put her off, and caused her to back off the bit a little.

I would be inclined to try the NS and see how she goes with it, she will let you know if it isn't comfortable for her. Perhaps try and get one from a bit bank or off ebay then if she doesn't like it you can return it or sell it on without loosing money on it. I'd also give NS a call as they are incredibly helpful and explain how their different bits work so you can understand the tiny differences and the effect the have on the horse. They don't sell their own bits so it is all totally without pressure!


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11 December 2008
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again C&O you've asked just what I was going to ask! Are you psychic?

Nitty is in a french link loose ring at the moment but was starting to question splashing out on something for her. I was looking at the NS full cheek but as her steering is very good from the get go I'm not sure whether to bother.

Basically, I don't know but I'm interested and following the thread :p


Well-Known Member
18 June 2011
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How about just a simple loose ring snaffle with a peanut/losenge? My 3 year old has a small mouth, and later this year for ridden work he will be wearing a Shires sweet iron french link bradoon (the link is a copper peanut type) which has a narrow-ish mouth piece. I saw in the catalogue that they also have french link training bits, German silver with 14, 18 and 21mm mouthpieces. x


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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My mare was backed this summer and i have her in a Myler Comfort snaffle. I think its called a stage 1 or something. It's for newly backed horses. We are both very happy with it. I tried a lozenge link full cheek at first but she fretted with that.