My 3 year old cob had got a crack jaut starting to form from the bottom of his hoof, whats the best thing to put on his hooves to stop it getting worse and prevent others forming? thanks
I put cod liver oil on my lads feet instead of hoof oil and it seems to work brilliantly - his feet used to be really dry/cracked easily but since I started using the CL oil I havent had any problems in nearly 3 years
whats the best thing to put on his hooves to stop it getting worse and prevent others forming?
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In my opinion? Nothing.
Nourish the body from the inside out, not the outside in. You get longer lasting and more permanent benefits if you feed the goodness rather than paste it on.
Im feeding him, baileys local balancer and dengie good doer + garlic what else would you recommend to help his feet? i thought local had it all inside?! thanks x
I posted something similar on here last week and bought some kevin bacon's as a result...fab stuff and, touch wood, no other lumps on hoof have come off since!
I think you have to soak in water as well as applying any local preparation, to kind of seal the water in. Your farrier is the best person to advise, they can see the hoof and may be able to see the cause of the problem. I also agree with Tia that good health comes from within.
Sounds a little bit like seedy toe. A couple of years ago, my lad had a very fine crack starting from toe going up centre of hoof. It never got longer than about 1½ inches, but even with trimming it didn't go away. Farrier recommending Hydrogen peroxide (available from all good pharmists!). Pour in to crack regulary , especially when farrier is there and shoe is off when you can get access to it from the sole, and hey bingo, crack disappeared over a couple of shoeings never to come back again!
Have to agree, since I have been using black sunflower seeds, and particular on the second spring/summer have noticed my boys's feet still look great and have not yet put anything on them.
Also find feet are a lot better at not drying out if not wearing shoes.
You wont stop cracks with hoof dressings. Your farrier will be able to help you by good trimming but to get good hoof horn quality you need to look at diet.