best way to stop horse going through fence ?


Well-Known Member
7 January 2008
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any ideas? its 3 strand electrified tape and she just doesn't seem bothered. I was thinking of putting an energiser on too off a battery as is currently running off mains but doing all paddocks so possibly not as strong as it could be ?

even without a rug she is not too bothered. I want to clip her too so not really a practical solution ...


Well-Known Member
24 March 2009
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Firstly, check that the fence is working in the place she goes through.

Secondly, is she wearing a rug? If so, take it off' that should give her the full effect of the fence on her chest.

Failing that, use the battery idea, like you said, or put proper fencing up, if that's an option.


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11 October 2012
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Try a thick plain wire and mains electric. We have this and it keeps our horny stallions in their fields.They can sense the electric.

Roasted Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
7 July 2008
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Im afraid I have this issue. As long as electric is on and at full capacity then she stays put BUT she tests the fence daily and we also have to make sure that nothing is shorting the fence anywhere as she WILL find it and then its goodbye fence.

We eventually had to give up and put up cattle fencing (ie barbed wire) only thing she cant go through (although tries to go under little b!tch) and has done on some occasions so we had to add extra strands of plain wire. This has kept her put BUT has resulted in much rug repairs (I now do them myself).

She looks as dopey and stupid as a stump BUT she can think her way out of most things. Post and rail was broken through leaning on it, plain wire was leaned on until the fenceposts snapped or pushed over. We put up fencing that was higher than her head, if she cant get her head over it to puch it she actually stands and kicks at it. Doesnt matter if she has grass, company, food, exercise, if she wants to go for a wander she does :mad:

New fencing has just been put up in the paddocks and we are going to have a bash with a cattle fencer and double strand leccy rope and/or wire/twine to see if we can save my rugs (also BW isnt a great or recommended solution) and keep her in but if it doesnt then Im afraid thats going to just be how things will have to be.

Nobody has to tell me the dangers of barbed wire (farmers daughter ;)) and I have had a horse horribly scarred by it but I just couldnt live with myself is she got out on the road and someone crashed into her :(
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Well-Known Member
25 March 2011
North Dorset
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A mains fencer should put out enough power and burn off anything but branches, that touches it.
How deep is the earth? This makes a big difference! I run a large area off a mains fencer and the earth is a large angle iron driven 12 feet into the ground.

Many people say "My horse has no respect for electric fencing."
They certainly do when they stay here.


Well-Known Member
9 July 2008
Cambridge, UK
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I think you just need really good quality electric rope or wire and a simple set up, there shouldn't really be weak points if it simply running in a rectangle off a battery - if it is going round different paddocks as well there will be more points to keep track of so maybe something separate would be best. My horse apparently didn't respect electric fencing but ours packs a punch so she stays well away!

Roasted Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
7 July 2008
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A mains fencer should put out enough power and burn off anything but branches, that touches it.
How deep is the earth? This makes a big difference! I run a large area off a mains fencer and the earth is a large angle iron driven 12 feet into the ground.

Many people say "My horse has no respect for electric fencing."
They certainly do when they stay here.

Can I arrange S a holiday to yours then :D

Would LOVE mains electric (own yard no leccy) We have a steel anchoring post goes about 3ft into the ground should we get a deeper one? Oh and does the type of ground make a difference IE peat/sandy/chalky/loamy/boggy etc??


Well-Known Member
12 May 2009
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Watching this post with interest as having trouble with my 3 year old welsh pony climbing throught it. He's driving me potty. Doesn't stay with the others just goes off into the other fields then climbs back throught when he feels like it. Would like to give him an almighty shock by conecting it to the mains.