Slave to a house cat, 4 yard cats and 2 ponies
As title, my two British Shorthair girls are 16 and 17 and Sebastian the fluffy blind one has recently reached his teens. I’ve got him on Purina NutriSavour to stop the awful tummy he was suffering from and while Sparkle the elder is fine on anything Blue has started to lose weight and I can’t seem to find anything which suits her metabolism. They are wormed regularly so I don’t think that’s an issue but having lost Holly at 17 I think Blues days are numbered as her metabolism is working overtime. They don't get biscuits due to lack of teeth so I’m looking for a wet food which is kind on the tummy and provides the most calories without causing diarrhoea. Anyone got any ideas? She loves fresh chicken but I’m not sure that’s the solution because it lacks the taurine cats need or do I just accept she s an old girl in her latter years and feed her what she likes.