BHS Exams


Well-Known Member
14 December 2005
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Put my post in comp riders but not sure if that was right place or not. Anyway, sitting my stage 2 in Oct. Has anyone sat theirs recently? If so, any hints and tips that might help me along the way?

Cheers, Loz


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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feel free to ask me any Qs
make sure you know your feeds.
they showed us pictures of weeds and we had to name them.
everyone says it but be confident.
they asked us alot on behaviour....if the horses were running around the field what could be the cause?
good luck!


Well-Known Member
28 April 2006
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Hey i took mine around 3 weeks ago. The hints i can give you is just to treat it like you did your stage 1, try and be confident in your answers and relate to them so that it sounds like you have experience not just read it from a book. We had one feed sample, had to name one posionous plant from pictures, one person had to put clippers together....i had to take them apart and explain what i would check for before using them....effects on having the blades too loose/tight....we all had to demonstrate removing a shoe....alot of questions were gone into worming/anatomy/digestion....we didnt have to give a worming plan nor go into much detail on the fittening plans.......the lunging make sure your line is as free of twists as possible, they asked for a comment about how the horse was going, dont be afriad to say if you think you did well or badly as they want you to recognise your own strengths and weaknesses....the riding was very simple and in open order, we had to warm up and canter a half a circle across the school and return to trot at the track, trot with no stirrups in ride formation with each rider changing rein and returning to the rear for the next one to change rein...canter no stirrups with the circle exercise...same with the second horse....umm that is all i can think of right no PM me if you want to know more or have any qus hope i have been some help even in the slightest GOOD LUCK and sorry for the long post


Well-Known Member
27 March 2006
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Your best bet is to get the examination handbook from the BHS bookshop, in this is the syllybus for each exam , the routine for each exam, what you are expected to do in the riding section and all of the questions you are likley to be asked in the care section.
If you have any spefic questions feel free to PM me- I have my BHSII and my BHS Stable Managers and I'm taking my Equitation and Teaching in October and I have done all fairly recently so should be up to date on most things!