BHS Exams

29 December 2011
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I am thinking of taking my BHS exams despite being a horse owner for 30 years. I am seriously thinking of a change of career to become an instructor but, am dubious as to whether it will pay in the end. The exams are not cheap and i understand they are quite hard even with lots of experience. Anybody else taken the plunge at 39?


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13 January 2008
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I've taken the plunge at a bit older than that :D

And there were others there of a similar age, as well as the youngsters - the older ones were fairly calm (except me!), but the younger ones were quite nervous!

I took my stage 1, management bit of stage 2, and riding and road safety. If you've owned horses for ages, then you probably need a bit of brushing up on the BHS way of doing things, but that's all IMO.

Read the study guides for the exams (updated versions), and off you go.


Well-Known Member
15 March 2009
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I did my I and II at 18 and 18 years on am thinking of doing my stage III (in bits, now that you can!). It is easy enough with work to get yourself to the required standard in terms of knowledge, but if you haven't worked/don't work on a busy yard you may find that you struggle with the expected standard of efficiency. I was a part-time freelance when I did mine so not quite as quick/efficient as I could have been. I assume the examiners are still as keen on this now as they were! So it's worth working on this as much as the knowledge. The higher the level of exam the more initiative you are expected to show, and this, too, tends to demands real on-yard experience - or at least it helps.