BHS Gold member insurance question?


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
Isle of Mull Scotland
Hi does anyone know if the public liability covers every horse you own and if so is that horse covered if someone else is riding it? Or is it just yourself that is covered?
I'm on my phone at the moment and for some reason the BHS site won't load. So would be most grateful if anyone knows?

Magnetic Sparrow

Well-Known Member
1 November 2010
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Agree with PeterNatt, although I think that the insurance isn't valid if the horse is being ridden or handled by someone you are paying as they should have their own cover.

Magnetic Sparrow

Well-Known Member
1 November 2010
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For amusement, I hunted down a cached version of the site and retrieved the following:

How many horses are insured?

All horses that are owned by you are insured on the condition that they are used purely for recreational purposes and there is no business use/money exchanging hands.

What insurance do I get as a BHS Gold Member?

As a BHS Gold Member you receive the benefit of Public Liability cover with an indemnity limit of £10,000,000 and an element of Personal Accident cover with various limits detailed below.
What does the Public Liability Insurance cover me for?

The Public Liability Insurance provides cover for any third party injury or property damage that arises out of your legal liability/negligence as the BHS member.
What does the Personal Accident Insurance cover me for?
The Personal Accident will provide cover for the member only. The benefits payable shall be as follows:

a) Horse related accidents other than while attending an Organised Equestrian Event as defined in scale B, but including traveling to and from such an event.

b) Horse related accidents while attending an Organised Equestrian Event being an official event or official practice/training session organised by or affiliated to the BHS, BSJA, Pony Club, BHS Riding Clubs, BE, BHDTA, BD, Endurance GB, BEV or FEI, but excluding traveling to and from such an event.

Hope that helps until tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
1 May 2007
Deepest Wales
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Take GREAT care when relying on BHS insurance for public liability cover. Read it carefully and you will see it's "back up" cover only. In other words, if you needed to make a claim but another source might pay out, then BHS won't. And if you think you've got no other insurance that could possibly cover you, check your household insurance, car insurance, any other insurance you may have because the fine print in them may surprise you! And if that makes you think, oh well, as long as I'm covered it doesn't matter by whom, then ponder on this: BHS Gold Membership gives you public liability ("back up") insurance up to £10m. Your household insurance may cover you but only up to £1m. Or less. And would the BHS cough up the difference? Hmmmmmmmmm........


Well-Known Member
25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
Take GREAT care when relying on BHS insurance for public liability cover. Read it carefully and you will see it's "back up" cover only. In other words, if you needed to make a claim but another source might pay out, then BHS won't. And if you think you've got no other insurance that could possibly cover you, check your household insurance, car insurance, any other insurance you may have because the fine print in them may surprise you! And if that makes you think, oh well, as long as I'm covered it doesn't matter by whom, then ponder on this: BHS Gold Membership gives you public liability ("back up") insurance up to £10m. Your household insurance may cover you but only up to £1m. Or less. And would the BHS cough up the difference? Hmmmmmmmmm........

You are right in saying that the BHS Public Liability cover is cover of 'last resort'. If there is other relevent insurance then that would come into play first. But if that insurance was not 'sufficient', then the BHSinsurance would come in to cover you for the balance. It is perfectly normal for Insurance companies to 'join forces' when there are two policies covering the same risk.

So - in the awful event that your horse caused an accident - and - say - the insurers agreed a claim of £4 million against you, your household policy would pay out its maximum (say, £1 million) and the BHS policy would cover the remainder. (£3 million)

Obviously the BHS insurance can be offered 'cheaply' - as part of Gold Membership - partly because it IS insurance of last resort and partly because of the 'bulk buy' discount the BHS has with the Insurers. To buy stand alone Public Liability for £10 million would cost a LOT more than your BHS membership - it's a good deal!