BIG dilemna


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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ok, maybe its not such a huge dilemna in the scheme of things but it is to me
Basically I am weighing up the pros and cons of moving yards, and am not sure which decision to make so here we go.

I keep one horse at a yard and my others at home just because I have space problems. The yard I keep my mare at the school is very small, she grazes with all the other horses (they all live out together) and there are no stabling facilities or anything fancy. Its just basic livery and I pay a basic rate. She is on working livery at the mo, which is annoying me a lot as I hate to say it but I can't stand it when I come up to the yard and find she's on a ride or in a lesson.

Its sounds silly, but I think she must think I'm a horrible mummy because other people ride her and she gets less attention. I am up a lot of the time, but something niggling away at me wants to move. I have looked at other yards but am scared I won't get the same help and support I get at present yard which is a massive pro. The hacking is great and I can ride in company too because I have friends on the same yard. However, I would like to be able to stable her at night and although the yard owner has a couple of stables when I have suggested it she has gruffly debated with me and said that my horse doesn't need it. The stables are not presently being used. Do you think I should move her or keep her there? The other pro is it is close to home, but then other yards might be too. A big negative is it is all shut up at 5 pm and means that after I have finished at college I have little time with her and it gets dark. So far I have been getting up very early to be with her and trudging through the field in the dark. Something keeps telling me this could all be easier. sorry for long post just stuck.


Well-Known Member
27 June 2006
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I would move, working livery is a con to me, you pay then but you can never ride your horse when you want. I would go for assisted DIY option - most places charge minimal fee for turnout etc.


Well-Known Member
6 October 2005
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I would think long and hard about moving yards on the basis that you say you have friends there that you can ride with and alot of support from people - you cant always necessarily get that on some yards and some of the yards can be very clicky and bitchy so I would only move if you have a good recommendation from a friend or you move onto a yard where you know the people are friendly and helpful - I think it counts for alot. I moved yards because of facilities once but it was really boring and had no one to ride with and ended up going back to my old grotty yard where everyone was really nice and pleased to see me back.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2004
Derbyshire, UK
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It sounds to me like you should def move! There are better yards out there!
Where abouts are you?
Maybe people can help find you a better yard, plus working livery is never great! Means you never get to ride your horse!