Big mistake?


Well-Known Member
27 December 2005
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A bit of a long tale sorry...

I have just bought a youngster who has only recently been backed/ridden etc. He is very good on the road considering experience, however on our first ride out alone we came across a loose cow in the road, which ran after us for a while, then jumped a 6' hedge! Was all very scary, but baby seemed to take it in his stride and carried on unflustered. Next time we went out he was fine, until we came to 'cow lane', where he just froze and wouldn't go. Tried the usual sit it out, urged him on etc, but didn't get off as he does tend to plant himself and if he had done that it might have been a hell of a walk home, so in my wisdom I turned round and took him off home. Now I'm worried that I have taught him to nap, but then I really don't think he was being naughty, just worried. Am going to try taking him with older cow loving horse next time, but do you think I have created a problem for myself? I really didn't want to ruin him and now he may not hack alone again. As you can tell, hysteria is setting in..sorry. x


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
South West
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Oh that's a hard one - if yiou have the capacity get him a cow ASAP

The longer you leave it the more Cow fearing gets ingrained. I had a youngster freak at a bull mounting a cow in a field. Proceeded to nap in the same place, but was then fine. However developed huge complex and despite living with them this summer, he still has a good look.

Retrospectively I should have got cows on our farm ASAP, so they became part of the background. Definitely take him out with cow loving horse.


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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I don't think you should worry about it too much... he is a youngster and rather than frighten him even more I think it's a good idea to take him down that lane with a confident horse. I am sure when he has been a few times with another horse he will be absolutely fine!


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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It is understandable that he would be nervous the 2nd time would have been quite scary even though he dealt with it well at the time. Even my 9 year old who is quite happy with all cows jumped about abit and started snorting the first time we came accross a loose cow in the road (we get a lot of them here)!!!

I would take him out along the cow lane with a confident school master type horse a couple of times and then go on your own again.
Forgive me if you already know this...but with the planting business, my horse used to do this too. I was told that if they won't move when leading, rather than tugging away with half a ton of horse, move so that you are at an angle to them and then ask them forward. Because you are asking them at an angle they always move forward because they are pulled slightly off balance. It works every time and at least then you can praise for the movement and they usually get going then.
Good luck, you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
24 August 2005
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I agree take him out with a cow loving horse as often as possible there - my new boy absolutely hates cows even the smell of them makes him shake.......! but he will go past them if with another horse, or even my OH walks past first but his eyes are out on stalks (horse, not OH)

Good Luck