Bioflow Magnatherapy Boots


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16 May 2011
South Wales
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Hey everyone.

I bought my Bioflow boots ages ago and only used them for a couple of hours on occasions. My 31yr old gelding is getting quite stiff on both back legs (fetlock area) so I've started to put them on overnight.

I know that they can stay on for a maximum of 12 hours but can anyone tell me how long I have to leave them off for before they can go back on. :confused:

I can't seem to find anything on the net.

Thanks everyone

Kyo's Mum

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8 December 2011
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Can't give you a precise answer, but I do know why there is a time limit on there. It is not because of the magnets, but the neoprene that the boot is made from. The fabric will cause the leg to retain heat, and if the tendons get too hot for prolonged periods it can damage the fibres making the horse at risk of tendon damage.

These guys do magnets on a band for horses that can be left on 24/7.

So in answer to your question I would say you need to leave them off for several hours until the tendons in the horses leg has cooled down again, which will take longer than the surface to cool down. Not sure if that helps :confused:


Well-Known Member
11 March 2008
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Iv got a pair for one of mine and TBH have no idea how long they recommend but mine gets left about 10 hours without each day. I put them on when I check them about 9pm, they're on until 6.30am (ish), then I bring them in about 4pm and let his legs dry off etc before they're back on again!

Agree with kyos mum, if its the brushing boots you've got, then yeah that's why I put mine on as late as I can at night, due to them heating up! Wish I'd gone for the wraps!
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Active Member
16 May 2011
South Wales
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Thanks guys.

I've got the leg wraps.

My friend takes them off in the morning and they won't go back on now until at least 7pm so their on for approx 10-11 hours and then off so that should be long enough for legs/tendons to cool down.

I will definitely look on the website about the bands

Thanks for the advice :)


Well-Known Member
29 July 2011
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My cob who lives out 24/7 with spavins wears these at night to help through the chilly spell and they do work wonders, however I did have to clip his legs where they sit because his legs were getting so hot he was scratching them. He used to wear them for max 12 hours and then off all through the day. I got these on the 90 day 'money back guarantee' and yes I did notice he was a lot looser in the mornings after wearing them, however I will be sending them back because they have fallen apart:mad: The neoprene has come off in big chunks on one boot and both of the boots neoprene has seperated into layers. Their website claims they are fine for field use so I will be asking for my £70 back as they haven't even lasted 2 months:eek:

I will be looking into the bands though if they can be on 24/7 so thanks for the tip Kyo's mum:)


Well-Known Member
10 September 2006
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Bioflow do a band too its for humans for knees I think we use on hocks as find they stay on much easier ..its a velcro type band with magnets on which u can move about to target a specific area.