Bit advice for 4 year old connie tossing his head when at walk


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19 September 2016
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We have just bought a 4 year old horse, backed 2 month ago from Ireland.

He has worked nicely, we are told, in a rubber eggbutt snaffle. We have put him in a happy mouth with a copper lozange. He works nicely to the bit however when his work is over and he is given a longer rein to cool off and walk, he then constantly tosses his head up and down. If the contact is picked up again and trot him, he stops messing with his head.

What do you suggest to stop the tossing head at walk and standstill?

Thanks Jessica


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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Have you had tack / back & teeth checked? At 4 he is still growing so what fitted a few months or even weeks ago may not fit now. Might the bit be a tiny bit too low and so banging his teeth when the contact is released? Or might he be growing a woolf tooth?

I'm presuming he isn't an an outline yet - he's too young for that. But if there isn't a physical reason for this I wonder if perhaps he is used to having his head held still for him rather than having learned to do so for himself?

Normally I would suggest not to chnage bit in response - he's only a baby and needs to learn to stand still for himself. However I do see you have already changed his bit from a straight bar to a lozenge. It is possible he is playing with the more mobile bit. You could put him back to the rubber straight bar. But at some point you might want him to be able to accept a jointed bit so you might be better off just ignoring the tossing for now and praising him when he is still. But rule out pain / tack fit and growth changes first.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2010
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definitely gte teeth checked if you haven't, and by a proper dentist, some are rubbish and have only done weekend courses. He could have wolf teeth coming up