Well-Known Member
quick background -
had horse a year, came to me in singlejointed 3ring dutchgag for xc and singlejointed eggbutt snaffle. Prev owners more experienced riders than me, and said he needed the gag to help' lift' him before fences going xc. I discovered he hated single jointed bits, was very head high & uncomfy in his mouth....
......... found he went best in ported kimblewick and have stuck with that since... he also has a NS verbindend snaffle for flatwork and goes nicely in it. With both bits, he now brings his head down, but is always going to be naturally head high - he's just that type of horse.
Ive now started to do xc with him, and the first couple of baby courses i did i didnt notice a thing.... the jumps were teeny so he ould almost step over them, under 2ft. I have been working very hard on my position and balance so that I dont hang onto his mouth over fences...... last weekend we did our first full up2ft6 course, and in every pic he has his gob open. I cant help thinking that this must be in some way because he is restricted? Could just be because he wants to tank and im holding him - he is very forward. However, for the first time at these bigger fences ( i know not big to you guys, lol) there were a couple when he felt on the forehand coming into them... heather from NS recommends a universal with curb strap for me.. with the same mouthpeice as the verbindend snaffle. Any thoughts? thanks in advance...