Bit advice: very strong forward going polo pony.


Well-Known Member
23 January 2011
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I need some suggestions for a strong polo pony. This is for polo and she cannot and does not need re schooling.

She is hacked out in a happy mouth snaffle and a grackle to give her a break from string/harsh tack. She goes well in this but constant contact is needed and v good riding. And slowing down and stoping is slow/ with much seat needed.

For polo I could not use this bit as I need to be able to stop dead and turn on a sixpence. Sadly I have tried a snaffle, Mullen mouth Pelham, Cheltenham gag and she just takes the p*** and neither she or I perform well. I have therefore played her (as her previous owner did) in a Barry gag and running reins. She goes ok on this but leans on it, pulls constantly and I have no arms left and on occasion she cuts her mouth. Now it's not just my riding as pros and friends have tried and it seemed in her nature to pull!!

Last year i was told to try a coscojera Pelham. It's strong with a large copper roller in. I tried her in this and took off her drop/grackle and the running reins. Her response was better than I thought and she was a dream to play, head in a normal position I had a much looser contact and when I did touch her mouth she responded brilliantly. Now this did not last long. She obviously was unhappy so moved her tongue to the side of the roller (without me knowing) and over a 2 week period she made a a hole under her tongue. She had a few weeks off and we went back to the old bit and old ways.

If youve managed to read all that. What I am wondering is if anyone can suggest a bit for me to try? I must be able to attach two reins.

Many many thanks. Said pony is 21 years old fit and fast and without a doubt adores polo.


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21 September 2008
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Are you allowed any bit in polo? Have you tried a reverse army pelham? I had one for my very strong Fell, and it was good, she didnt lean on it half as much as anything else. The only thing is that you wouldnt be able to have a drop with it as its ported.... Sorry, not much help!


Well-Known Member
23 January 2011
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Very helpful. Thanks I will google one now. I am not sure but polo sometimes have rules about tack that they do not enforce and I am willing to try anything if she seems happy in it. And my hope is if I use a Pelham I won't use a drop as technically they don't work well together.


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15 September 2009
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Maybe she isn't suited for polo.. If you can't ride her without her cutting her mouth and pulling the face off her, I'd suggest reschooling is the answer. If you're too lazy to do this thats your problem, but dont make the pony suffer.


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8 October 2009
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Try reverse military pelham. Have you had her teeth/back/saddle checked just to be sure she isn't resisting because she is sore?


Well-Known Member
23 January 2011
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I am far from lazy so don't be so rude. I look after my ponies brilliantly and she has only occasionally cut her mouth, hence my concern and the advice sought. I am simply asking for some advice from horsey people who probably have vast knowledge on bits. Whereas in the polo world there are only a few very similar bits on the market She is an incredible polo pony and one of the best. If you can't say something helpful please dont waste my time in replying.


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4 November 2010
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I am far from lazy so don't be so rude. I look after my ponies brilliantly and she has only occasionally cut her mouth, hence my concern and the advice sought. I am simply asking for some advice from horsey people who probably have vast knowledge on bits. Whereas in the polo world there are only a few very similar bits on the market She is an incredible polo pony and one of the best. If you can't say something helpful please dont waste my time in replying.

Look at SusieT's previous posts - the kindest way of looking at her posts is that she is never afraid to give an "honest" reply :cool:

I have no constructive advice, but good luck finding a bitting solution of some description :)


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23 January 2011
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Bentley many thanks. Yes she has a specially fitted polo saddle for Polo and a fitted gp for hacking/jumping etc. her back was done and is done before, during and after the season. Teeth are done every march. Thanks for the reply. I can't handle being had a go at I just wondered what bits were out there.


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27 February 2008
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army reversible much favoured in tentpegging circles for precise control of strong horses, one handed so def worth a look
What about something like a myler combination for hacking, really give her mouth a rest as even in a snaffle a "constant contact" not really ideal. Might give you beter brakes with less mouth pressure?


Well-Known Member
23 January 2011
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Smiggy thanks will take a look at that. She is ridden on the buckle out hacking until we trot canter when contact us needed. But I don't by any means pull on her mouth, hold her back or anything nearly as bad as I see on some strong ponies. She just enjoys work and is forward going and would probably gallop everywhere if chosen. Will look at the myler (have seen some on eBay). I don't have an issue with breaks out hacking as I can ride her well and she listens to my seat and voice, hand aids too. But it's just harder in polo, it's very different from hacking.


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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But it's just harder in polo, it's very different from hacking.

When playing horseball, we sometimes have a pro come and teach us (hilarious really, I'm rubbish :p) and he has everyone riding off seat and legs with no hands on the reins at all, unless you need immediate brakes / turning. It's different as generally having both hands free is advantageous for horseball, less so for polo (I dunno I don't play!), but you really notice the difference in the fast horses - they get really wound up in a constant contact, but when they're dropped and only taken up when needed, they're much more settled and lighter in the hand.

Not a problem I have, unfortunately. I'm struggling to get mine to move :cool:

I'm not sure if it relates to polo at all, I've never played, I'm only working on a vague hypothesis that it's vaguely similar to horseball in general theory :eek: However, it's worth sharing - you can ignore it if it's not helpful :p


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27 August 2008
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I used to ride with a tight rein if my horse was strong, but have recently been enlightened (I have a bad back so have been forced to) totally relax if the horse gets lively, keep a light contact but drop my hands, relax my own backside and ride with that. I have six different horses/ponies, works on all of them. I wouldn't dream of riding in anything stronger than a Waterford. If the horse isn't replying to my aids - I'm doing something wrong. Sorry if that sounds downbeat... I have friends in the states who ranch and complete their horses, none of them are put in a strong spade bit until they are perfect in a snaffle. The stronger bits are used to refine movement. Have you thought that maybe polo stresses your horse? Maybe that's not the right sport for it?? Sorry again, but being objective... :S


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6 June 2008
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One of the exercises that helped a polo pony that used to take off with me in chukkas was stopping fast and strait into rein back for a few strides, It got him listening to me a bit more if I did this when warming up. He did everything else on a light contact but as you say once the game started every one knew if they came up behind me he would take off!
Hope you find a solution for you and pony.


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26 March 2002
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Hey op, so have you tried a twisted Barry gag? The Barry gag has 2 metal bits rather than the one in a standard Barry, but the twisted one is less liikely to have her leaning on it. This is the STRONGEST bit I know of in polo. Once in a game situation the horses do change it's like trying to pull up a racehorse mid gallop, their instinct takes over alot of the time! I would say though at 21 she is getting on abit- has she any issues with her hocks? This is normally a polo pony prob they become very on the forehand if hocks are sore, just thought I'd mention it.

Jazzy B

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4 September 2011
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OP how about reverse psychology :D my old polo mare was ridden in a cheltenham gag when I got her, on the field and hacking out was just petrifying :eek: anything faster than a walk I just couldn't stop and hacking out in company was a big no, no!!!

Had the dentist out who pointed out she had a rather large tongue and suggested I try a thinner bit! I ended up finding a thin french link snaffle for her! I would say the results of riding her in this were pretty instant, and within three months we were hacking out in company and she would even go at the back of a hack I was even doing pleasure rides on her!!!


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8 April 2008
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I know you want bitting advice but I really think that riding is a major consideration - I fell into the trap of keeping pressure on the reins, when what I wanted to do was release the minute she was at the speed I wanted - I shouldn't need to 'hold' her back the whole time.

It may not be this in your case at all! Just thought I'd share my experience :)

I <3 polo!!!


Well-Known Member
21 September 2008
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Hi OP, so sorry I havent replied with pics of the reverse army (military) pelham!
Here is a tinterweb pic of one:


And then a pic of my girl in hers from way back when!:


Hope that helps :)


Well-Known Member
30 January 2009
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If she liked the Coscojera - can you find a Pelham that's similar but maybe without the copper roller - or with a smaller copper roller.

Showing saddlers might be a good place to start for pelham variations as they seem to have hundreds!! Or an American gag? Might encourage her to throw her head and hollow though.
20 September 2011
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I am a great believer in every horse is different and so does have different needs. My old ex polo pony after many years of experimenting with bits and riders turns out an american gag was just perfect(no other type of gag even touched the sides!) I can only suggest try one of these or anything else you can get your hands on as you will find the right one in the end!! Good luck.