Bit for hard mouthed horsey


Well-Known Member
20 September 2005
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Ok as you know I've recently re backed Josie and she is coming on a treat. However, not working her hard at all. Just pottering abut, really bending (she never bent before, baby Denver too fat me thinks).

She was previously driven in Ireland, (the only piece of info I have on her) and has a really hard mouth. I had to resort to schooling with a gag (yes I know) with 2 reins. Have only had one moment when i had to use the bottom rein, last weekend. She got the hump and leant on the bit and off we trotted. Didn't listen to my seat, had no steering she just went. Not dangerous, but she meant it. Was leaning and tanked off. No listening to me at all.

I really want to go back to basics with her, but I do have in the back of my mind what she used to be like. No brakes, no steering. Was wondering about the waterford mouth piece? Would this stop her leaning and tanking off? Maybe in a hanging cheek for a little bit of poll pressure? So prob this I think??:

What do you think? Or any other suggestions?


Well-Known Member
9 February 2005
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i ride JM in that for hacking/schooling...with a market harborough......

he too is irish...leans like a ba*tard, but not too bad in this bit......

am surprised he hasn't worked out evasion tactics for it yet...


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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I used the same mouth piece but with an american gag lever - one hell of a bit again, on my big irish boy, although only for hunting.

Hes grand in a snaffle.

These bits are great, they dont tend to lean on them and respect them.


Well-Known Member
20 September 2005
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Mmm so maybe give it a try? Yes the hacking thing is an issue although she was getting so much better. Obviously she's not hacking at the mo so it's not an issue so thought I could give this one whirl then tackle the hacking when Denver is weaned.

I forgot how much she could lean! Boy did she remind me on Sun. Thought my arms were going to be pulled out.


Active Member
A bit is only as harsh as the hands that are on the ends of the reins......

If you have a hard mouthed horse, its a better option to soften the mouth than harden the bit.....

Have you tried a KK style bit at all? you know the one with the oval shaped lozenge in the middle? Having said that, a waterford should be quite good as she cant just 'grab' it and go!

If she is leaning on you and you have no steering or brakes (and yes I know what that feels like....can be scarey as all heck!!), then I would suggest working her in an arena where she cant 'go' very far if she does decide to bugger off on you....

when she leans, just let the reins slide through your fingers and let her reach down..... keep your rising trot going at the same pace so its uncomfortable for her to speed up at all if possible. When she wants to go 'faster' when she leans into your hands, as I said, give with your hands and then with one rein give her a short sharp 'jab' to wake her up and bring her back (Normally I wouldnt reccomend giving them a jab, but in this case with her nicking off on you, you dont have a LOT of choice really!)...

Lots of walk/trot/halt transitions, half halts, getting the horse responding to your leg and seat with as little rein pressure as possible.... you want her responding to less and less bit....

After all, the reins are NOT for steering or brakes.....they are merely there to guide the head and neck! The steering and brakes come from your seat and legs!! (well, SHOULD.... this horsie obviously doesnt realise this at this stage!!)

lots of serpentines, 10m half circles, tear drops etc along the side of the arena will help supple her up both in the mouth/hand and through her body....

If she has been used in harness in the past they can be a bit dead to a rider.... harness horses are used in a totally different way to ridden horses so the transition from one discipline to the other can be quite tough mentally and physically on a horse..... in harness your reins are your brakes and steering ... under saddle they shouldnt be! Going to take a while for it to get through to your girls head!

Even long reining her on the ground for 20 mins here and there if you dont feel like arguing with her on top for a change!!

Probably going to be a long slow road for you.....but should be worth it in the end to know that YOU did it......

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
20 September 2005
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Thanks very much for the reply. You are completely right with the soften the mouth. That is one thing my instructor says she says I'm very soft with my hand which is why I struggle. i just cant make myself tug at her.

It's right what you say about her being in harness. It took her months to work out why I was rising at a different pace to her trot. She is getting there. She's ten times better since she's come back into work. Which is why I think Imight be able to start from scratch again.

She has come on leaps and bounds over the past few weeks. Her transtions are getting os much smoother. But as soon as she gets a strop on it all goes out of the window. Little madam!!

Thanks again for the reply xx


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
Milton Keynes
i had a really hard mouthed 17 year old a while ago and a waterford worked a treat had a gag version though!, i actualy had breaks, i use it on Flo my older pony now and it is fab, the hanging snaffle is great! Well worth giving a go!