Bit for new hunter


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12 September 2011
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I'm due to take my new horse hunting this season (he has hunted previously, as have I just not together!) and just wishing to try and maybe get some suggestions on bits that might be suitable as a snaffle just isn't going to cut it! :)

He's got a very soft mouth, can tuck himself a bit behind the bit if i'm not careful and is usually a snaffle mouthed horse. But he can be strong when following on so I know i'll need brakes for jumping and moving on points. He has a tendency to push his nose out and that's where he sometimes manages to set himself against me slightly. I'm working on the issues in the school and to be fair he's no monster but the first couple of times out i'd rather like to just have that reassurance that i've got that bit extra if needed.

Somebody suggested maybe a pelham instead of a gag as they said the nose poking wouldn't be helped by a gag.

Any suggestions gratefully received as I'm def. not the worlds best bit expert that's for sure! He's in a roller snaffle at the moment as he seems to like the mouthpieces to be a peanut or roller rather than a jointed.

Miss L Toe

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6 July 2009
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I would tend to try a grackle noseband, but difficult without seeing him, take him for a few long canters first and have him well worked the week before, also hack as far as you can rather than unloading at the meet.
I did hunt in a vulcanite pelham with curb chain and that worked, horse had a kind mouth and was no happy in a Fulmar, so I had to keep the size of the mouthpiece small
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28 February 2008
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I have today just posted a similar question but in CR (thought I'd get a bit more feed back due to people competing in other areas of fast work etc) so you may want to take a peek in there as some people have given me some useful feed back. :) I'll also keep diving in here and seeing what responces you get.


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24 August 2008
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I've just upgraded my horse to a vulcanite pelham for hunting! I do use two reins though as my horse doesn't like a stronger bit-but is happy if I just pick up the curb when I need brakes!! (although he now knows if I touch the curb reins it means we're going faster asap!)


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3 March 2009
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Why not try a double bridle?

You could use a double jointed or peanut bridoon if that's what he likes in a snaffle, and then you have the curb for when you need it.

He might not like the straight bar of a pelham

but the best option (if possible) would be to ask what he went in before :)


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12 September 2011
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Thanks for all the feedback :)

Unfortunately going back to previous owner doesn't really qualify as she is a completely different size, shape, rider etc. to me and she never had any problems, or if she did there's no admitting it. He was hunted in a dutch gag before but i am not convinced it would be the right bit for him.

I think it's only mainly because he's young, can be slightly nappy when he wants which is why i think he gets strong following other things. I'm sure he'll settle once he has been out a few times as whilst he's been with me he's been out to a couple of things and has settled by about halfway through, plus i've now upped his workload so it'll take off his edge.


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2 May 2009
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I like vulcanite pelhams with two reins for those who are generally soft mouthed but can need extra breaks.. you can just pick up the curb rein when you need it.

If you want to stay in a snaffle i've just bought a NS Verbinded snaffle for my big mare, and it really helps sit her up... it has a lozenge middle too, and curved mouth bars - i've been converted to them!

Addicted to Hunting

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30 December 2009
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If he was a dutch gag with his old owner I would suggest goin in a Dutch gag, with the se mouthpiece he's currently in and two reins. As have then got the extra if needed, I know that the other rider was a totally diff size etc, but at least he has responded to this bit before.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I hAte dutch gags for hunting they tend just to tuck their noses in then your stuck there however if he's been out in one before you could try it but my favourites are the vulcanite Pelham or traditional gag with 2 reins the Dr Bristol with a grackle which would be my first choice for one with a snaffle mouth were I felt I needed a bit extra in the brake department but don't try at the hounds any new bit for the first time. Have fun !