Bit suggestions for leaning


Well-Known Member
24 August 2013
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Any ideas of what I should try would be appreciated.
my horse pulls strong on the bridle and likes to hang on. I can stop him in his Waterford snaffle, (with grackle and martingale ) but I get terribly sore shoulders from his strength.

He is the type to come very short in the neck and come behind the bit if it's not to his liking. He is generally very 'up' in front and has a few fights against his martingale whereby usually if I just give him his head he settles back down after a few seconds.

Generally if I let him go he will come back after a blast, and if I really get my leg on and get his weight back onto his hocks he is actually very comfortable however obviously not always possible.

There are a few meets where I would like to do the Wednesday and the saturday, but if I am honest my shoulders are still really painful two or three days later!

my horse , although hunted in Ireland no doubt, is only on his third hunt. Do I need to perservere and school him through this. Or is it time to try another bit. If so any recommendations great fully received.
He is usually in a French link neue schule, and upgraded to a Waterford snaffle for fun stuff. I have made a conscious effort not to over bit him but I'd like to get jumping and I am not certain I could hold him in the snaffle hunting (fine xc)
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Well-Known Member
26 March 2011
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Sounds very similar to my mare. I have just bought a hanging cheek Waterford for her as she has been getting stronger and stronger (lots of parties for her this year, and all a bit too exciting)
My friend recommended a kineton noseband, so I have been trying that out this week. Sadly it didn't have the desired effect of stopping her! So going to put the Waterford on, and perhaps a kineton as well if needed.
Shires have a very good bit section in their catalogue, lots of standard bits, but with extra copper rollers for example. Sensible price too.
I would be very interested in what you find works.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2009
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Try a mouthpiece that he can't lean on/grab hold of - a waterford or something with rollers, copper or plain

If he has a high head carriage, then a gag that raises his head probably won't help. You could try a pelham with one of those mouthpieces - NS do one and you could hire one to start with, see if you get on with it

You could also try a double bridle - very traditional - so you have a snaffle effect bit for when he's good, and the curb for when he's not listening. :)

A Kineton works very well for horses that lean and can make whichever bit you choose, more effective. It's good because it doesn't come into action until you take a pull. You can fit it with your normal noseband too.