PF goes really well in her straight bar, happy mouth dutch gag. She's soft, light and pays attention. BUT it's such an ugly bit!! Anyone got any ideas for something similar but less hideous. A wilkie snaffle perhaps??
PF!get a loop ring snaffle, you can get them in all the happy mouth 'mouthpieces', ive got one with a roller. they are lovely, my boy is so sensitive butalso an opinionated tramp, and so far he is respecting it and its so much nicer than a gag ( am not a gag fan, they are awful for steering and horse cant cope with the pressure)
I like the second one. A tom thumb I believe? AND I bought one of Cotswoldsport in a french link, but madam isn't keen. D'you think she'll get used to the different feel?
She may get use to it?? Didn't know which ring you rode on so thought if bottom my give same action but different look?? Don't know if you can get them in a straight mouth piece???