Biting when being mounted... help?!?


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28 December 2011
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Just wondering if anyone has experience of this problem...

Had my mare for just over a year :) Been fine except for a few napping issues... but recently (over the last 2/3 weeks ) she's started trying to bite me when I try to get on :S

First it started with head butting me from the side... :/

Now she twists round and bites you when you get on, but she's absolutely fine when I'm actually riding her :/ She also moves around and can't stand still :(

Saddle & bridle seem fine, legs are okay, initially thought it was just her being cheeky but she seems to have got more determined.... :D Had a few chunks taken out of my shoulder so... :p

Any ideas? I thought she might be a bit bored with her work? :/

Any help really appreciated :) I'm new to this forum :D

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village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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I would suggest obtaining a copy of the Manual of Horsemanship and paying especial attention the section on mounting the horse noting particularly the words "spring lightly" and the advice to hold the offside rein short enough to prevent the horse turning its head round to bite you.

It often surprises me how may people appear never to have been taught how to mount correctly and assume that even with a mounting block a haul up the side of the nag is appropriate.

Good luck:)


Well-Known Member
15 March 2009
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I would suggest obtaining a copy of the Manual of Horsemanship and paying especial attention the section on mounting the horse noting particularly the words "spring lightly" and the advice to hold the offside rein short enough to prevent the horse turning its head round to bite you.

Or, in my case, holding the offside rein short enough to prevent the horrid donkey from eating the hedge by the mounting block... gah!

But yes, this^^ You might also have the saddle fit and back checked, as a usual precaution, if signs of resentment persist...


Well-Known Member
12 May 2011
in my own little bubble
well it may or may not be the riders mounting technique but given its only the last few weeks the mare has been doing this then maybe there is something physically wrong.,,,,, both aspects should be looked imo ;)

It might be a simple as changing shape meaning saddle pinching.... but it could be other things mare never actually got to the stage of biting me but she did have similar changes to alert me she was in pain and eventualy was diagnosed with persistant annovulatory follicles .... quite painful :( ............


Well-Known Member
21 August 2011
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I would have her saddle and back.checked. If she moves when you try and mount plant yourself and make her move in a circle around you. One she stops reward her and try mounting if she moves off again repeat and repeat. I.used this monty roberts method years with a horse whos owner had allowed her to behave this way and she has stood to be mounted ever since.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2010
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when you get on, do you sit gently / lightly on the saddle? They don't like a thump on their back when mounted, as I'm sure you know. Maybe she is cold backed - has a sensitive back - and needs a few minutes lungeing before hopping on - to help her relax and warm up.
For the immediate issue, I would get a buddy to help you with the mounting. Have your friend hold her gently, and distract her up front - chatting to her, stroking her, giving slices of carrot - make mounting a pleasurable experience. As soon as you have sat on quietly, and she is focused, and your reins are in order, then set off in walk. You'll find after two weeks of positive reinforcement - carrot slices, stroking etc, that your horse will be much better behaved and will look forward to you getting on.
I had a problem with my horse with mounting as well. I get on gently and quietly using a mounting block, but he would bolt - and actually put me in hospital doing it. I was advised to treat him like a baby that is being backed, and reintroduce the fun and positivity of mounting. It worked, it did require a lot of perseverence though, and you need to be very consistent. Keep at it, and you will see results.
Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
28 December 2010
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just an additional note, I had ruled out completely that there were any health issues - had his back checked, seen by vet, treated by Osteo, had brand new saddle that had been custom fitted and was just behavioral.


New User
28 December 2011
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Thankyou everyone, got loads of advice from that :)

I think my mounting technique is okay, I tend to spring off as soon as I get the chance!

I am considering that changing shape might be a problem too, or it might be pinching her :confused:

Does anyone think it might have anything to do with not wanting to be ridden because she doesn't enjoy it? As in not wanting me to get on in the first place (just wondering) x