Bits bits and more bits!!!


Well-Known Member
29 March 2017
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Hi all
Posting on behalf of a friend as she is having some serious issues with her horse
Please keep this positive and I k ow some of you won’t like the idea of bitting up a horse I respect that but please only give relevant advise as she is really having problems (like I did a while ago) and I feel for her so much
As she is really upset and down about This issue it’s killing her confidence and I know exactly how she feels

I’ll do my best to give you an over view
Super strong
Very clever / evasive
Very well schooled
No health issues
He is just a s**t when he wants to be
Warmblood about 17hh gelding

Locks up and RUNS when she starts to get him back he will do a very small bronco unseat her and go again!!!

In the last 6 months she has had a few very scary incidents or him bu**ering off with her at full speed not listening to any other aids not even a jointed Pelham with curb (won’t turn locks neck and mouth doesn’t listen to seat leg it’s like he zones out) next day he is amazing and listens to everything
He has had her off twice now once dislocating her shoulder and the 2nd with broken Ribs he just locks and RUNS
We ride in safe enclosed arenas but he always locks on to the fence and it’s sooo scary watching this

She needs brakes serious brakes for these occasions when he zones out and goes
Currently tried
Normal nose bands no flash with

-Jointed Pelham - not bad but seems to not like the joint and can lock on this

-Straight bar Pelham - better calmer but to easy for him to lock the bar in his mouth

-4 ring Dutch snaffle - she may as well of ridden him in a head collar

Snaffle / jointed mouths are a bit no no he seems to hate it

Our trainer suggested a gag, and / or a drop noseband
I have very little knowledge of this and am looking for some good advice as our trainer has gone for the summer

is very good in a straight bar but not so great in a jointed I don’t think he likes the action in his mouth

Can you use a running gag with a straight bar mouth piece?
Waterford mouth piece?
What do you suggest

Nose bands? Any ideas

Could you suggest some tried and tested combos?

Thanks in advance


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I got a PeeWee bit when my Clydesdale decided to run away with me cos she took fright at some colts running along the hedgeline beside her. It worked a treat! She had a very fat tongue so the PeeWee gave her plenty of room and the side pieces insisted that she turned even if she didn't want to. Later I lent the bit to friend who wanted more control in the cross country phase of ODE and to train her horse to turn. She was very pleased with it too and later reverted back to her usual bit.

I would be investigating further into why your friend's horse behaves in this way though.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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Two reins can be helpful if your friend has the refinement to manage them. Or possibly a waterford. Unless there are issues with the position of the bit in the mouth changing nose band isn't likely to help overmuch. In situations like this it is well worth either getting a bitting expert out to have a look (Hilary Vernon is good) or at least calling the Bit Bank and chatting to an expert. You can also trial bits from the bit bank which helps with some of the modern ones being so expensive.

Longer term your friend really needs to look into what is causing the behavior and address that. It almost sounds as if he might be running from fear or pain rather than bad manners. If that is the case bitting up won;t actually help. If he isn't and it really is just bad manners then he needs better schooling. I know you have said he is very well schooled but a horse which just takes off and won't listen isn't well schooled. Depending on your age and length of experience (and confidence to some extent!) I would look to training him to stop from the neck strap alone, or from a whistle cue. That additional break may now have 100% impact in an emergency or high adrenaline situation but it will act to get them back enough that the rider can regain control.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2012
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There's something wrong with the horse that a bit isn't going to fix. I do understand why your friend is reaching for a stronger bit but it sounds like he would run through anything when he goes. Vet. Physio. Saddler. Decent behaviourist.


Well-Known Member
29 March 2017
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Hi thanks for all advice
He has been checked from head to toe by the vets and an equine dentist

Your right he does just run through the current bits

I personally think it’s his temperament now and he has turned so sour about being ridden
He is trying everything and anything to make her stop

I am still looking for advise and experiences on gags if any one can share on the original post I’d be grateful


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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If he has gone sour - turn away for 6 months? It can work wonders.

If he has just figured out that nothing can stop him - and they are stronger than us! - then retraining might help. You might have to go right back to basics with a good NH / IH type instructor (Not P).

You can get a running gag with a straight bar - but the action would be so muted I'm not sure you would get any benefit anyway?


Well-Known Member
29 March 2017
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He is old he is 22 now (same as my horse)
No point in re training at this stage

We live in the uae and do t have the same facilities as at home so turning away .... not an option :(

I think PTS maybe on the cards as there was another “incident” last night ;(