Bitting and Control


11 April 2014
South Africa
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Hello every one, i have a small issue, my Arab stallion whom is 9 years old and hasnt had any proper schooling till i got him, how ever we are training for endurance and his a real sweet gem of a stallion, how ever we have a problem where i need help on bits and control.
I have used him in a few bits but not getting to far, how ever i have used a apple happy mouth straight bar, a french link and elliptical link snaffle then a elliptical link kimblewick, all of these are fine when we are doing arena work, he listens stops goes is fine, the minute we get out he pulls and goes forth like a freight engine, carries his head super high, i did have quite a bit more response with the kimblewick, so i have gone back and after alot of research managed to get my hand on and proper myler combination bit. which we are doing well in, how ever once we at a race, his all go and no control, its starts to get a little too much when into a ride of 40km as we doing Novice still and his pulling and i cant give any as then he just goes. its almost unbelievable that all the discipline in the arena goes no where once out. the saddest is his making me become a strong handed rider which i am not, and not enjoying it.

All his checks are fine health teeth, chiro etc.

Help on bits etc would be great! ie do i need to change to another or am i doing some very wrong and just no seeing it.


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3 October 2006
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I would look specifically at bits designed to lower head carriage as you won't get much chance of him listening to you while he is poking his nose up and behaving like a giraffe.

A kimblewick will do this (I ride my mare in a ported Kimblewick and she goes very nicely in it) as will a pelham and a fair few others - I'd be doing some research on that. The main thing though (once you have a bit that he is listening to) is to carry on with your schooling. My mare will go off my seat most of the time and I only have to move my weight slightly and she will respond - the kimblewick is there 'just in case' something happens - I need to know I can stop 16h and over half a ton of horse if something spooks her and she sets off!

Another thought - have you tried a hackamore?


11 April 2014
South Africa
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Hi thanks for the feed back, i was thinking of going to the kimblewick i also firmly believe in using it as a last, to just remind them. He does spook at all kinds of wired and wonderful things as Arabs do, lol

I have tried that, but unfortunately i cant use anything that has too much nose pressure as he had a bad kick to his nose before i got him and his very sensitive there and i get a lot of head shacking and tossing, so i stay away from drop nose bands and hackamores.


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25 January 2015
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Have you tried training him with other horses around? Sounds to me like your issue is an excitement problem - not a bitting one. My experience of stallions in general is that they need to have self-control - you can't just fight them. So I would try getting other people to ride in the arena and out with you, with you using a mild bit. Try getting the others to trot off ahead of you, canter and eventually gallop and practice regaining the horse's focus, circling away, backing up, turning around and moving in the opposite direction... If he runs, don't pull back - turn or throw him off balance a little so running off become uncomfortable rather than a fight he always wins by lifting his head. If you still find you have trouble at competitions, just use the more "serious" bit for those but train in a milder one to keep him sensitive.


11 April 2014
South Africa
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hi Barnacle i think you hit the nail on head, i do try have some one ride with me to teach him to stay level headed, and he does do exactly that, he gets over whelmed and just goes loopy. lol i have been told to use a stronger bit to stop him in the competition and though i have not tried it, ie pelham, i just might have to, until he can try control him self. is it better to go the ported pelham with connectors or the ported kimblewick