Bitting Help - Encouraging salivation


Well-Known Member
15 July 2002
Braintree, Essex
Hi everyone!

Looking for some bit ideas really. Saf currently has one of these:

It's starting to get a bit old, and could do with replacing it some time soon. Saf seems rather indifferent about this bit, previously she's had a single jointed eggbutt, and a french link, and didn't seem to have much of an opinion on either. Schooling issues as follows: Saf is always above the bit, she's 20 and has always gone this way. I've never asked her for anything different as until 2012 we'd been happy hackers. I am now starting to ask her to give a little flexion, and we have started to work on getting correct inside bend. I would like something that she will find pleasant and easy to accept. I really like the lozenge as it seems much less pinchy than the french link. She has a large tongue and a very still, dry mouth. As she seems a bit 'meh' with this sweet iron / copper combo, I'm happy to try a different material. Oh yes, and it must be BD legal :)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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Well Topaz is in a loose ring lozange that Jefferies make, but to encourage salivation I give her a sugar lump when I tack her up. Makes taking the bit a pleasant experience for her and she mouths up lovely, not sure if it's something you've considered rather than changing her bit?

x x


Well-Known Member
15 July 2002
Braintree, Essex
Thanks Alex, as of yesterday I was giving her sugar-free polos from the saddle. She seems to mouth beautifully but once the polo is gone, the mouthing stops. Is she feeling a bit cheated that I'm giving her sugar-free polos instead of sugar lumps LOL!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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haha I'm not sure it's the sugar that does it ;), it just seems to start the process and once her mouth is 'wet' it stays that way with her?

I know some of the expensive makes say the alloy their bits are made from can encourage salivation, but maybe it might be worth trying to find a mouthpiece she likes if you've tried different metals?

x x


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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hmm not sure what to suggest, sorry, maybe just enjoy that she has a quiet mouth? We started giving Topaz sugar lumps as she evades the contact and opens her mouth, so we hoped it would help her accept it, which it does help but I'd love her to be quieter in the contact :D.

Back to different materials, maybe happy mouth bits or nathe? I think the bit bank are suppose to be very good for giving advice about biting and you can trial before you buy this might be useful in finding something better?

Hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge can advise you better.

x x


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22 April 2014
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I have this Neue Schule bit for my mare:

I have been riding her in this for a couple of months now, and I have to say she is accepting this soooo much more than any other bit I have used. While she used to always be very lovely and quiet in the mouth, she would nearly always have a dry mouth. With this bit though, I am getting a "lipstick" every time I ride :)

I do also regularly use the Sprenger Diamond paste, which is also supposed to encourage acceptance of the bit. I don't 100% know that it works, but (in my head maybe!!) she seems better when I have used it.



Well-Known Member
15 July 2002
Braintree, Essex
I have to say I'm a huge fan of Neue Schule bits and my horses have definitely been happiest with them. I have heard that happy mouth and nathe bits can rub so not sure that they would encourage salivation. You could also try gumbits:

I have this Neue Schule bit for my mare:

I have been riding her in this for a couple of months now, and I have to say she is accepting this soooo much more than any other bit I have used. While she used to always be very lovely and quiet in the mouth, she would nearly always have a dry mouth. With this bit though, I am getting a "lipstick" every time I ride :)

I do also regularly use the Sprenger Diamond paste, which is also supposed to encourage acceptance of the bit. I don't 100% know that it works, but (in my head maybe!!) she seems better when I have used it.


Thanks both. I quite like the look of the NS bits, and I was particularly interested in that Team Up one. It does look lovely!


Well-Known Member
3 July 2014
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I'll be honest - I wouldn't worry too much about the salivation. You say she's "indifferent" and has a still mouth - in my eyes this isn't really such a bad thing. My horse has a very active mouth, mouthing and gaping, and believe me I'd like him to be quieter! You mention that she normally works above the bit and has done for a long time - I think addressing this issue will lead to her being more relaxed in the mouth as well, rather than salivating making her work better. I very much doubt that polos will make her work correctly :)

If I were you, I'd stick to the kind bits, like the loose ring with the lozenge and similar, and just keep working on her flexion and contact. Of course the nice bits such as Sprenger and NS are lovely, but I'm not sure if it's worth the money for you seeing as she doesn't really seem unhappy? You could always try a straight bar bit if you're after some change.

Good luck anyway, seems like you're going in the right direction :)


Well-Known Member
15 July 2002
Braintree, Essex
HannaST, thanks very much for that feedback :) It's interesting to hear from someone with completely the opposite problem! I think I'll probably save my money and spend it on my next lesson. Like you say it's more of a training issue, than a dead mouth issue.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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I have to completely agree with HannaST, the bit we have for Topaz is this:

I think, anyway it is like a copy of the curved mouthpieces that NS do (not sure if it is this bit as its hard to see from the pic provided), so it sits nicely in her mouth. I couldn't really justify spending the money on a Sprenger or NS, so went for this as a compromise and she goes really well in it, even my instructor thought it was one of the expensive ones at first. Plus when I asked her opinion of if I should get a proper NS for her she said it probably wouldn't be worth it, as she is already 100% better in her contact and outline, so it was just correct schooling we needed rather than a new bit. Though its not to say they aren't fantastic bits and if I'm ever feeling flush I might try her in one to see if they do make a difference for her.

As an aside they are never too old to learn how to go correctly or to try new things, I'm still teaching Doodle things and improving her schooling and she's 21 :D, she's more opinionated now but still very able and willing ;).

x x


Well-Known Member
14 November 2011
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I have lots of NS, sprenger and myler bits and my 2 young horses are happiest in cheap sweet iron bits - one a curved single joint bit and the other with a copper lozenge. The expensive bits aren't always the best.


Well-Known Member
3 July 2014
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HannaST, thanks very much for that feedback :) It's interesting to hear from someone with completely the opposite problem! I think I'll probably save my money and spend it on my next lesson. Like you say it's more of a training issue, than a dead mouth issue.

That sounds like a very good plan. :)

chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
Mine is in a NS Verbindend which he goes nicely in. I struggled for a long time to find him a suitable bit as he had some teeth issues (regular EDT visits and looks like we've pretty much sorted him finally) and basically took ages for him to understand the contact. So you could try something like that, but TBH from looking at the pics on your other thread I don't think (and obviously I don't know you or the horse) it's necessarily a bitting issue. It looks like she is just uneducated WRT contact etc and I suspect as she gets the hang of it with your lessons and schooling at home, she will learn to yield to the contact and salivate.

But must admit I do like my NS bit. I've tried cheap copies and definitely didn't find them as good, and the NS Verbindend is the only bit mine really likes.