Bitting help - rubbing mouth


Well-Known Member
7 June 2006
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Well, I thought I had the solution to my fussy mare BUT we have hit a problemI had finally got her going soft and nice and (most importantly) controlable in a hanging cheak, mullen mouth snaffle thing.

Turns out these bits are bloody hard to get hold of. I found 3 versions, one was about £75 (
), one was a NS rubber mouthed one and one was from Ebay. I bought the ebay one because although it hadn't any joints you could still move each side independantly using the barrel in the centre...

Well this bit has started rubbing her mouth on the left hand side at the bottom under her tongue area - i.e. actually in her mouth not in the corners or lips. She comes back from hacking with pink foam on one side which makes me feel awful and must be horrid for her.

I think the issue is that I accidentally bought a 5.5 instead of a 5' version but I'm not sure. Does this sound likely? I don't want to buy a smaller replacement and have it carry on rubbing... could it be the barrel mouth that is the problem?Any thoughts or experience of these 'barrel mouths'? (BTW teeth were done about a week ago)


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
South West
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I better reply to this as I made the bit!!

I'm not sure how it could be rubbing underneath the tongue - however one possibility is a chunk of food etc got wedged there and made it raw (stone in your shoe type scenario and especially if you use a noseband to close the mouth, it's hard for a horse to shift)

If you think its the barrel rubbing you could try wrapping it in latex bit wrap (if your horse isn't allergic to latex). However the barrel itself is very smooth on this bit and should rub less than say a french link.


Well-Known Member
7 June 2006
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Yeah, I've been thinking about using Latex... but I wasn't sure if it was the barrel rubbing because (as you say) there are no sharp edges.

I ended up bunging her in a french link this morning and she was intollerably vile so I really want to get either this bit or a very similar version back in action! I think I'll dig out some latex and see how it goes.

(BTW apart from this I really like this bit, my horse has been transformed in it so thank you!!!!)
