Blackthorn, grrr! (Rant...)


Well-Known Member
19 November 2010
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Had a brilliant day out hunting on NYE on Dennis, jumped two pretty large hedges no problem at all, got home he was fine etc. Then the next day, didn't ride him because I went hunting on other pony at mega boring meet and didn't have time when we got back. Then the next day, was busy in the morning and then went to ride him when I got back but then decided didn't have time to ride and wash him so just washed him as we were going hunting the next day. Plaited him all yesterday morning and had him imaculate, walked him out the stables and his leg is like a balloon. NO idea how I didn't notice this before and keep kicking myself about it. We walked and trotted him up and down and he wasn't lame on it in the slightest and wasn't in any pain at all. Don't know how I missed it, or maybe it wasn't there before? It doesn't seem like he was kicked. We think its Blackthorn, but we looked and couldn't see anything, covered it in ice tight for the day, washed it off in the evening and no heat or swelling had gone down, still couldnt find anything, so we've put some animal intext on it and he's on bute. Quickly took other scruffy pony out and got her looking presentable and off we went (it was a Childrens meet and hardly any of the children were plaited so that stopped me from panicing quite as much once we got there.) Luckily there is no more hunting I can go to until the 15th so won't miss anything but just hoping he will be ok!

Pointless post really... just wanted to rant!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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the problem with blackthorn is it's so easy to miss them, and the inflammation comes up so quickly (though usually within 24 hours) - I wouldn't beat yourself up about it, you maybe didn't see the swelling as it wasn't there?

IMO....get the area clipped out so you can see the skin, hibiscrub it and rinse well, have a good look and feel and you may well find it. If not then get the vet out.


Well-Known Member
19 November 2010
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He never gets booted for hunting, that's a good reason not too!

Thanks for the advice BDH, if we still can't see anything tomorow I think we'll have to get the vet out (ugh more bills...) x


Well-Known Member
25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
Thanks for the advice BDH, if we still can't see anything tomorow I think we'll have to get the vet out (ugh more bills...) x

Unless the swelling is much worse, I'd just keep on with the Animalintex - given a few days it will pull most things out (and certainly Blackthorn!) Just make sure you cover the whole area of swelling!