Bloody fireworks!


Well-Known Member
27 May 2006
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Late Saturday night, I had a phone call from the woman who keeps horses in the field next to mine. The owners of her field were having a firework display later and she just wanted to let me know. So, we moved our girls as far as posiible away from that end. One of ours has conjunctivitus and also gets laminitis, so it was imperative that we keep her away from the others. We also had a new horse, Daisy, arrive that day, so she was in her own field. Well, I stayed up, just in case. At 11.10, all hell broke loose. These were not fireworks, they were pyrotechnice as per the millenium display. The whole sky lit up and the noise was horrendous. As you can imagine, the girls went ballistic, tore through all the fencing and finally ended up all in the same field in a pitiful huddle. I was unable to catch any of them, so had to phone their owners for help. So, at 2am, we finally got it all sorted(by torchlight) and all the fences temporarily back up. One of the owners went round to the big house to complain and was told to send them a bill for any damage! Luckily, no injuries were caused, but who is to say that the next time they hear a bang, say out on a hack, they won't go ballistic again? My hubbie breeds Australian finches and one deserted the nest, leaving her 6 babies to die. An old lady in the mobile home park next door had to have the doctor out to be sedated because SHE had flashbacks to WW2. And what was the reply from the stupid owner of the big house"Oh, I thought we had told everyone who would be affected" We are in the next field for God's sake!! And what could we have done-booked our girls into a B&B? The sheer arrogance takes my breath away. Can you imagine if they had lived on some estate in town? They would have had an ASBO slapped on them before they could turn around. So, now we have 4 horse with conjunctivitus and Daisy follows you like a shadow every time you go into her field. What a welcome to her new home. Anyway, the local paper has taken up the cudgels on our behalf. We are not part of the compensation culture, we just want a GENUINE apology. Well, that's go that off my chest!


Well-Known Member
16 November 2005
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We had the same problem last bonfire night, the big house next to our field aimed all the bl**dy rockets into our field, I picked up 12 rocket sticks the next day - poor neds petrified, did they care - sadly no!


Well-Known Member
21 February 2006
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Poor you and poor horses


Well-Known Member
12 August 2005
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The solution is quite simple. You get your solicitor to get a court injunction to restrain them from having any more firework displays. It is illegal apart from Guy Fawks night to have a display after 11.00 p.m.

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I thought there was some legislation in the last few years.

Does'nt stop people round our way though.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2006
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It seems the norm now to have fire works for any occasion. I'm sick of people having random displays in their gardens just because they are having a BBQ or it's somones birthday. Where I live we also have cruise ships leaving port in a blaze of fireworks quite often. My dogs bark at them and my cats hide or run off. It used to be the few weeks leading up to Nov 5th that fireworks were a pain but now its halloween, christmas, new year and anything else in between! You have my sympathy I hope you and your local paper embaress these selfish people into a public apology.


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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Couldn't agree more, the people two fields away from us had a party on Saturday, with the music so loud I could hear every word in my kitchen, the horses were out and went ballistic, I rang to ask them to turn it down, which they did for all of five minutes, then at 10:30 they had fireworks. I rang the council noise people at 9:30 who said they would come out, I rang them again at midnight to tell them not to bother it had stopped, what a waste of time they were! Then they sent me stuff through the post about how to solve disputes amicably!