Bloomin' eck not again!!!


Well-Known Member
30 July 2003
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Waaaahhhhh I can't believe I've hit the deck again tonight. Went out with Ozzi Wozzy for a "razz" We went up one of our gallops which is is up quite a steep hill, Chance was in front initially but Oz decided to try and throw his mum off so we swopped. After that hill we cantered all along one of the heather tracks all the way across the top of the chase, trotted along one of the access roads for about 10 mins, cantered up another long track then trotted along another track until we came to the deer lawns.
The deer lawns always has brill ground and it basically a circuit of about 1/4 mile of springy turf. I use it for my canter work and usually go around 2 or 3 times. The first time was fab both boys were really enjoying themselves. The second circuit Chance was really getting strong and trying to overtake. I took a pull and he stuck his head between his knees and BRONKED.
I just went wheeeeeee splat

Chance cantered off, turned around came back and then thought "sod this I'm off home" and set off for home. I had to so the walk of shame, with Ozziwozzy assuring me that I had definately now done my years quota of falls

Chance was caught by a mountain biker. He had his saddle under his belly and had lost a stubben stirrup leather and stirrup, but other than that he seems fine.
Surely now with 3 falls in a week I have had my quota


Well-Known Member
3 April 2003
South East
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Surely now with 3 falls in a week I have had my quota <img src="" alt="" />

[/ QUOTE ]Bl**dy hell - that's a lot in one week - hopefully that means that your quota for the year is now used up!


Well-Known Member
3 July 2006
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sounds like he's really enjoying this fittening work.. er perhaps he's a tad too fit????

why do you do so much canter work, do you event or something?


Well-Known Member
30 July 2003
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Yes I do event him and I've always been taught that it is kinder to have a horse fit for their job!
I normally only do this sort of canter work once a week. We are very lucky in that all our hacking is off road over Cannock Chase lots of bridleways, hills and sweeping grassy tracks.
I am beginning to think myself that he is a touch toward the 'too fit' side.