Who uses body wash after exercising the horse? Are they necessary every time you wash down or just following hard work or competition?
Any recommendations?
I always wash down with a hose after some hard work. You need to remove any sweat because it gives a burning sensation to the horse if it is left. I don't wash him down with soaps/shampoos regularly because you wash out the oils that waterproof him & that can be dangerous. I hope this helps
I normally jst sponge down after day to day work, but on a very hot day or after particually hard work (always at competions) I use Barrier Health (i think- the one in the green and white bottle) Lavendar wash or Peppermint wash. They are lovely!!
If its not much sweat, i'll let her dry then brush it off. If a lot, I'll hose or sponge. If she's done really hard work ie done an event, I'll rinse off with Red Rum arnica and (something) wash as it soothes and eases bruises.
Can't remember entirely what it is with the arnica, though I think it may be lavender!
I always wash mine down if they've got sweaty after exercise just to make them fresh and comfortable again. I mix up a bottle of white vinegar, fly repellent, eucalyptus and lavendar oil which I dilute in a half bucket of water. I find it works well at getting sweat off, repels flies and also makes the coat shiny!
I mix 1 teaspoon each of lavender, peppermint and teatree oil with a tablespoon of baby shampoo and sometimes a splash of dettol into a large water bucket of tepid water and sponge down. No need to rinse.
If he is really hot and sweaty I hose first and then sponge down with my body wash to leave him sweet smelling and clean.