Well-Known Member
Horse which I have been rehabbing for hind PSD has also been diagnosed with bone chips and arthritis in both front fetlocks. Vets have advised against surgery to remove chips as say they are old, too much damage has been done already and long term it’s unlikely to help. We’ve medicated the joints, however 2 weeks on he is still lame. I’m totally lost at where to go from here, vets have said PTS may be an option if he doesn’t improve but give it a little more time. However it’s awful having to ride a lame horse (which I feel like I have been doing for months now). He’s not happy, fidgety to get on, naps and rears when ridden. I’ve started him on devils claw in the hope to help him a little but wondered if anyone had any success stories with similar issues? He’s only 8 so it’s quite heartbreaking.