Well-Known Member
I guess as above really, my vet is suggesting this is the next step to work out issues of back pain in my lad. He is so well mannered and only first came to light as I booked him physio and he wouldn't let near, it was an extreme reaction yet no issues when I have been riding him. I'd only started light hacking on him at this point after down time from racing and after initial nerves about going out on his own is really quiet and no indication he wasn't happy. X-rays were fine and trotted up fine, tried bute to see if made any difference too. Had him scoped and has been treated for grade 3 ulcers plus also in his lower stomach which the gastroguard didn't touch. Tried physio 2-3 times since and although will let her near his front end, he still reacts pretty extreme if she goes anywhere near his back. It is not trying it on, he means it. I'd have to send him away if I went with the scans, I'm worried about travelling him, the stress for him and if anything was picked up would it be only to confirm that he needs to be retired? I don't want to put him through more if that is all it will be so guess I'm after some others experiences good or bad. I'm not riding him , I felt he was actually scared last time I went to take him out although he behaved I could feel he was tense and don't want to put us or anyone else in danger if he does explode which I feel he may well do if we have unresolved / unanswered issues. If anyone could share experiences I'd really appreciate it, thanks.
I guess as above really, my vet is suggesting this is the next step to work out issues of back pain in my lad. He is so well mannered and only first came to light as I booked him physio and he wouldn't let near, it was an extreme reaction yet no issues when I have been riding him. I'd only started light hacking on him at this point after down time from racing and after initial nerves about going out on his own is really quiet and no indication he wasn't happy. X-rays were fine and trotted up fine, tried bute to see if made any difference too. Had him scoped and has been treated for grade 3 ulcers plus also in his lower stomach which the gastroguard didn't touch. Tried physio 2-3 times since and although will let her near his front end, he still reacts pretty extreme if she goes anywhere near his back. It is not trying it on, he means it. I'd have to send him away if I went with the scans, I'm worried about travelling him, the stress for him and if anything was picked up would it be only to confirm that he needs to be retired? I don't want to put him through more if that is all it will be so guess I'm after some others experiences good or bad. I'm not riding him , I felt he was actually scared last time I went to take him out although he behaved I could feel he was tense and don't want to put us or anyone else in danger if he does explode which I feel he may well do if we have unresolved / unanswered issues. If anyone could share experiences I'd really appreciate it, thanks.