bone spavins


Well-Known Member
7 September 2006
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My horse has bone spavin.

Its basically arthritic changes in the hock.

My horse had to go through a scintigraphy and nerve blocks and a 6 day stay at the hospital before he was diagnosed.

He was 7 tenths lame and incredibly sore.

He was prescribed a 3 week course of the new bute can't remember what its called but i think its danilon. Which was reduced over the 3 week period. I also had to do controlled exercise (road work) and over a 14 week period increased the time, intensity etc etc. He has now been back in work for 20 weeks and is looking fit and well and back to normal work, jumping etc etc have competed in a couple of dressage comps. Lessons. He is also totally sound as had vet out to confirm.

If the work programme hadn't worked then we could have gone down the route of injecting the joint with a steriod, we didn't have to do this, although it may have to be done in future.

If you google bone spavin it brings up the proper explanation of it. I can reassure you though its not the end of the world. I have been told my horse needs to be kept in regular work to help with the spavin.

I also use joint supplement.


Well-Known Member
26 March 2003
button moon
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mine has it too!!
as said above arthritic changes within the joint. mine was at worse 7/10 on flextion
just to be different mine only has it in one hock more common to find it in both. she did have steriod and hyonate injected improved for while then went a bit lame again 3/10 so went onone danilon again better for a while then went 5/10 lame so as above went on higher dose of danilon and three weeks controlled exercise seemed good for first two weeks a bit lame in last week.
and now just to add to problems now lame in fornt with on going problem!!
however having said that friend has pony that was diagnosed 7yrs ago had injections once yearly and small dose of bute (every other day) and has been doing everything very happily!


Well-Known Member
11 November 2005
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my mare has bone spavin of her right hock and was diagnosed with x rays and scinitigraphy. she was placed on bute for a while and had her joint injected with a single dose of steriods. That was in 2002, she has been sound ever since and is back to competing again and we will be affliating her this winter BSJA and does some lovely trot work, and her canter work is improving all the time