Boring insurance related post


Well-Known Member
11 November 2007
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As you may know I have a LOU mare. To my shame since buying her two years ago I've never got round to having her insured - partly as I've been skint, partly as I thought it would be a lot of hassle to get someone to cover her.

Anyway, I've been getting some quotes and wondered what you thought of this one from KBIS.

They will cover her tack, third party liability, and personal accident for me. They will cover vets fees for accident/injury and colic surgery only. Since she is LOU they say she is essentially worthless and won't cover her for mortality, disposal or theft.

The quote they have offered me is very reasonable but I'm not keen on the lack of mortality cover - she may be a write off but is a fit, sound, riding horse.

What do you think? Could I find something better?

I'm also in contact with Petplan, waiting for them to get back to me and need to try NFU too. Does anyone have any experience of insuring a LOU horse?


Well-Known Member
24 November 2008
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no experience with LOU but if you can afford the quote NFU give u i highly recomend them