Yes I had a course of 5 or 6 treatments on my horse before xmas - she liked it at first but then it seemed to make her sore and despite being a nice mare, whenever the bowen lady went to treat her back legs she would kick out rather violently - never did that to anything else and normally very good with her back end. I took that to mean she hated it and so I stopped the treatment. It did soften up her back however. so mixed views and I remain a little unsure......
Absolutely rate it 100% BUT, you have to find the right therapist. I did have 1 lady who generally poked horse rather lightly all over & said "Oh yes, you can see the horse really relaxing...." but it made no difference to her way of going.
However had another therapist (proper Bowen, not EMST or whatever they call it) & she was wonderful. Put my old stiff horse right back to being supple & soft & easy. Now back to jumping, dressage, & all hacking, as though he has shed 15 years (he is now 23). Have top-up treatments every 3-6 months. I thoroughly recommend!!
Not regularly, but a friend who was training used one of mine for her portfolio, his level of relaxation was amazing (measured by pulse) and he noticeably consumed more water and did better after the treatment. It helped him to gain weight - which was the objective in his case.
She did a session on me, I would love to report back, but I fell asleep after 5 minutes!
What is Bowen therapy?
Feel a bit of a 'tard not knowing since I am studing complementary therapies
As there is someone who offeres it near me and I am needing a work placement for next week (eep) and overlooked it as I wasn't sure what it was so if someone could fill me in that would be great