Boxing Day Hunt - Bucket List Box Ticked ;)


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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OK - so I wasn't actually on board, but it was still a moment I will cherish for ever.

After much umming and aaahing we decided to take Kal to the Boxing Day meet with the Staff College and Royal Military Academy draghunt. I didn't much fancy washing him on Christmas Day (there are some limits), so it was up early doors to get up to the yard early enough to pull his mane (much needed), turn him out, muck out and re-lay his bed, and then haul him in from his (very muddy) field to give him a wash . . . thank goodness for our indoor washroom complete with solarium!

Z arrived and plaited what's left of his mane (he always loses a good section due to rubbing from the neck covers on his rugs), we loaded up and off we went. Have to say that as soon as Kal saw the grey Thermatex (his show rug), he started calling and knew he was off to a party ;). We had a bit of a faff parking, so were nearly last getting to the meet itself, but that was a blessing because the longer Kal spends by the lorry the worse he gets (plus we travelled him tacked/booted up). There wasn't enough time to partake of traditional snossage rolls and port (we were too late), but just enough time to find TXF and her lovely OH - and to witness a pointer deposit its rider on hearing the horn ;) - and they were off.

Kal was a fidget at the meet - and apparently equally so in the breathers between lines - but was much better when actually out in the field (change of bit probably helped - English gag) and actually settled well and really enjoyed himself.

I enjoyed myself too . . . TXF, her OH and I decamped to a nearby pub and had a couple of halves of cider and chewed the fat . . . it was lovely to see her, to meet her OH and to set the world to rights. They made their excuses and left (hugs all round) and I strolled back to the lorries through some lovely heathland with the winter sun setting the gorze alight just in time to see the field do its final line back towards the lorries (including Kal) . . . many were tired, he was still full of running and bounce and was so wired that he bit Z on his way back to the lorry (she had kindly dismounted to give him a break) and we had to load him fully tacked and booted and untack, rug, etc. on the lorry.

We had to wait ages to leave because we were boxed in by a couple of lorries/folks who were in "relaxed" mode, but Kal was happy and warm in his two Thermatexes on the lorry. He skipped off the lorry, we chucked a turnout over him and he charged up the field, had a good roll and told all his yard-mates/neighbours what a clever boy he had been. I swear he is the energizer bunny!

He came in happy and relaxed, I changed his rugs (he was no longer sweaty), hosed off and bandaged his legs and he tucked into his tea calm as you like.

Z says she enjoyed herself . . . and I'm glad about that . . . I know Kal did . . . but I actually had a lump in my throat watching the two of them trot down the lane in the winter sunshine on their way to join the meet . . . they both looked amazing - he is fit and muscled and glossy and she looked so smart and "with" him . . . I have followed many Boxing Day hunts on foot and, as a little girl, I'm sure I wanted to actually be ON the horse . . . but as I am no longer brave, it was magical to see my beautiful boy out on the biggest hunting day of the year, having the time of his life - and he had so much fun (and so did Z).

Bucket list box ticked.
