

Well-Known Member
13 November 2005
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Ok, so what are the advantages and disadvantages of feeding bran?
When Frankie arrived he had been out in a field for a couple of months, and so YO thought it would be best to stick him on a bran mash for a couple of days. This made him very runny to start, but as she said, its better to have them runny to start rather than blocked up.
I have kept him on bran, just not a mash, ever since. It was a week and a half ago that he arrived. When he was living with his owner she fed him bran along with other food. However when at the home he was hunting at all last season, they fed him sugar beat, nuts, bit of mix and chaff.
Im pondering whether to keep him on this or gradually phase it out.

At the moment he is on, twice daily :
Large 1/2 scoop of bran,
1/2 scoop chaff
1/2 scoop nuts
Ad lib haylege throughout day and a ball with double handful of nuts during the day too.

At the moment he seems to be doing well on this, has enough energy etc.
However, throughout the whole of the winter there is no turnout. He will go on the walker for a hour in the morn. Then go out in the sandschool for an hour or so at about lunch time. Before being ridden for an hour on the days which he is not hunting.
Im just not sure whether to keep him on the bran for now, or like I said, phase it out and introduce sugar beet again.
Or do I use the SB and bran together?
Im sure feeding ponies is a darn sight easier than horses!
Oh also when he is hunting, he will be on more then a scoop of nuts day - this is fittening work at the moment.
I have toyed with the idea of a 'build up' feed, and talked about this with him owner. She has said she doesnt mind what he is fed on, as long as he does well on it. He is a very good doer in all, 16.1 and IDxTB.


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
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If I were you I'd replace the bran with dried grass which is more nutritional and will help with the winter regime of no t/o. bran IMO is pointless.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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No turnout - no high energy, sugar or fat-building feeds would be my advice.

Personally if he was mine, I would just want him ticking over and no more. I'd purely feed chaff, one handful of coarse-mix and a couple of handfuls of nuts; combined with a vitamin supplement, that would be it I'm afraid.

He's being fed ad-lib hay so he won't starve.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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I think bran is just a good source of fibre. So you wouldnt be doing any harm feeding it (the more fibre the better!).

Since he has no turnout, I would, like Tia put him on something really basic. If he doesnt lose weight over the winter then Id probably just feed something like Dengie Alfa A Oil (to keep him looking good and the oil will give him a bit of slow release energy for any work he does do), probably with some Speedi Beet (its unmolassed, normal SB isn't usually) and a vit & min supplement. If you felt that was really boring I guess you could add a low energy mix or cube (leisure mix or something) or a high fibre cube (Badminton High Fibre nuggets are nice and chunky).