Breaking a pony to harness- how much??


Well-Known Member
20 June 2006
The Best Shire
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I've been asked to break a pony to harness for someone, and as i've only broken my own ponies i don't know how much to charge per week. Its a pony of someone i go to college with (not really a friend as such). The pony will be kept at mine, turned out with hay, and worked 6 days a week until hes broken.

How much per week do you think i should charge??

Thanks, Claire


Well-Known Member
30 May 2006
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Well when my mum used to do this she charged £75 per week, for the first month and if the horse needed forther work it would reduce to £50. But this included an hour per day split into 2 30 min sessions. Feed, hay and wormer on their day of arrival. If its a friend i guess you should reduce it a bit. But on a legal note make sure she is aware that the horses are left at yours at her risk etc etc as i am sure if you dont do this for a living you wont have insurance for it. Therefore you dont want to come unstuck if something happens. If you need more info Pm me and i can give you more details etc but from the sounds of it you have enough experience! good luck