Breaking in a horse


Well-Known Member
11 April 2020
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What is it “like” to break in a horse? I know there’s no set time it should take and you should move at the horse’s pace but what should you expect? I’ve always been told there shouldn’t be fireworks if you’re going at a good pace and not rushing, but can there be massive issues otherwise?
when would you say someone is ready to at least buy something very green or perhaps have their horse broken for them?
I’ve always gone with the idea of just hacking and very light schooling for a year and not to canter for a while, but I’ve heard some people are cantering in a school within a week.
what’s your take on this?
just general curiosity really.


Well-Known Member
2 February 2011
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I did one yesterday. Leant over, sat up and off we went. On the leadrein initially, then without. Rode her for about 15-20 mins and were trotting independently by the end. No fireworks, all very relaxed and just like riding any other young, very green horse.

Prior to this she has done about 3 months work on long lines hacking etc. and been leant over etc. so being ridden was a very simple next step.

One they are ridden I tend to get them going fairly quickly to where they are safe in all paces and hacking alone, so its all normal to the horse. Then they will have some downtime before being bought back in and starting 'proper' work. Timelines are dependent on each horse.

In answer to ''when would you say someone is ready to at least buy something very green or perhaps have their horse broken for them?'' When they are capable, and if they are not then they should have help from someone who is.