Where can I buy brewer's yeast? I live near Burton on Trent, home of Bass brewery so wondered if I could get it from the actual brewery or does anyone know of any feed shops that stock it?
Ah right - its just we've got tonnes of the stuff here as we feed it to condition the pigs!!!!!!! The putty form has a different nickname but we use the "gloopy" liquid. Never knew it could be used for horses! Anyone want any???
All saddleries that stock Westgate EFI or Wyvern products can get you Gold Labels Brewers yeast. This is in powdered form and is around £6 for 1.5kg
I have a Gold Label distributor in the village so I get huge 5kg tubs from him. I feed my boy 2 scoops (guessing around 4 tablespoons) once a day.
Although have heard its more effective feed twice a day, but my horse is a nightmare to feed, so I'd rather just up the dose! (He isn't nasty, but when in the field digs for around 30 mins before being fed.... totally wrecking the field!)
It is also a great feed balancer - and a probiotic so far far cheaper than top spec, blue chip and the like,
So you get in one supplement:
A great source of Iron - so a good blood liquid,
A probiotic
A calmer
A feed Balancer
A mild calmer
And the feed merchants don't tell you about it becaus ethey want you to spend a fortune on the others.
I have found that wen combined with linseed it conditions horses amazingly. Watch out for it around dogs though as it can cause bloat. And I know all the dogs seem to make a beeline for it.
silly question.... but why would you feed brewers yeast?! thanks
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I feed for Sweet Itch
The B vitamins make the horse less tasty to the midges, it has really made a difference to my boy as his sheath (only exposed part!) is no longer swollen and covered in pin pricks of blood.
I feed throughout the year as I can still see midges!!!
most saddleries wouldn't sell it as they make far more money from Top spec or Blue chip. But I have found it far far better as it doesn't have the mindblowing qualities with mine that Blue chip had and it doesn't hit my pocket quite so badly.
I feed it to my shettie for sweet itch and have been using Holland and barret capsules, didn't realise it did so much ubtil i read this thread! I'm currently giving my mare a bvitamin supplement for her liver so might by the powder and put her on it too!