Bridgwater peeps - stolen ferrets


Well-Known Member
11 January 2006
Bucks/Somerset depends really............
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Also in Soapbox but I thought I'd post in here too. I know they're not horses but they're still badly missed (especially by my mums collie dog who usually spends hours watching them).

My sisters pet ferrets Codie and Brandy were stolen from their pen between wednesday evening and 6.30 Thursday morning. Please could you all join the group on Facebook and pass it on to anyone in the Bridgwater area. The police are aware of the theft (for what that's worth). The slightly smaller ferret has a bald patch between his shoulder blades where he recently had a flea allergy. Both un-neutered male albino ferrets. They are both reasonably young and don't answer to their names but will usually respond if you get really excited and call 'ferry, ferry, ferries' a few times in a high pitched voice.
They are very affectionate and will ask to be carried when out on walks! They can nip but never bite hard enough to hurt.

Please help us find them, also any sites we can put them on would be appreciated.