Bring your horse holiday


Well-Known Member
3 June 2004
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We are in West Cornwall and are just ready to start 'Bring Your Own Horse on Holiday'.:) We have been approved by the BHS so have done it all properly. Now I'd like to know where you would think to look for advertising please. What publications would you look in in if you wanted to do this?:) We don't want to waste our money on unread magazines! Thanks in advance as I know you are all excellent at this sort of thing :):)


Well-Known Member
14 January 2009
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Horse and rider and your Horse are two I look at. i also look a lot on line... Make sure adverts a clear, indication of prices and facilities.activites always catches my eye..


Well-Known Member
For services marketing, recommendations and were of mouth are really important so also think about marketing in that way are there connected people or people in lots of appropriate loops that you could offer to come for free intially/cheaper that could help to spread the word to people who take their horses on holiday? Are there any large scale tack shops etc around you were the could say work with the owner and give say a prize to stay in your bed and breakfast for the most sales in that month, then ensure they have a super experience perhaps you could even have a poster in the horsey shop with a photo and a quote from them. They can then talk to people who come in. Ok this may not be the best example I've thought up, but gets you thinking... Also any promotional material that is very visual that you could give away to the first 30 people in the bed and breakfast... I don't know; tshirt with 'i take my horse on holiday to... Or maybe branding on a cheap high viz gillet, or an item that would go on car/box/be used at stables... Travel water carrier or bucket with your website on something that people/fellow liveries might be stimulated to say 'oh, you took your horse on holiday, how did that go, where did you go' which the starts a 'well it was fabulous at ...' even a magnetic note pad or something ... Sorry I know you've not asked the question I've answered but hope it useful. Please pm if you do want to chat further. I subscribe to and write in horsemanship magazine, fab mag subscription not on the shelves.. Wonder if you could speak to the editor (or any mag) and offer as a prize and then the winner or you could do a piece about the do's/dont's and what to think about when taking your horse on holiday.. Not necessarily a big pr piece but more informative softer sell with pics from your place.. Also viral marketing so when people do come asking them to promote it if have a good experience and if they envolved in any groups trec/cross country/horse agility/intelligent horsemanship etc and ask whether they could post something round to friends or an email group sharing experiences but with a set piece underneath that you' ve written.. Also always giving people the opportunity to leave feedback in a ananoymous box, encourage negative feedback and ideas/suggestions for improvements as that's free market research - you don't want customers too scared to offend as they wont come back and will tell others about the little problems they had, a nice box asking to share feedback so you can review and create the best experience possible..

Good luck, very exciting for you.



Well-Known Member
28 April 2007
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BHS mag is the only 'proper' one I look at and only cos it comes to me via my membership. I do pick up the free ads mags in the tack shop. Otherwise I only see online ads.

You may be better off targeting the free mags in specific areas. I'd love to do a take my horse on hol but there's no way I'd trailer him all the way to Cornwall.


Well-Known Member
3 June 2004
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Thanks everyone :) you have pretty much endorsed the mags I had though of. We are advertising on line already. barehoofhannah much food for thought, thanks for your amazing reply!:)