Bronzes (horsey ones)


Well-Known Member
17 April 2008
N. Bucks
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Have always fancied a nice bronze of a horse in my lounge. Have just ordered new furniture and will have a safe, dog proof space for one maybe about 12" high but have absolutely no idea where to look for one. Have googled but cant seem to find what Im looking for. They're either massively expensive or dont look anything like any horse Ive ever seen!! Anyone any ideas where to look?

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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cold cast bronze

Just so that you know exactly what you are buying... the term above means that the sculpture is made of resin. There will be bronze 'dust' mixed into the outer layer of resin only.

You can easily tell the difference. A real bronze will be much heavier, colder and somehow 'harder' to the touch. Real bronze is also very expensive. I made some geckos (about 6 inches long) and they cost me £150 each just for the foundry to cast in bronze, I did the mold, waxes, finishing and patina myself.

ETA. Nothing wrong with resin, I've done some of them too although it's not as much fun to do.