Brought my pony on his first hunt!


Well-Known Member
24 July 2013
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Hope you don't mind me joining in here :)

I have had my lovely boy over a year but didn't really know him well enough or feel confident enough to take him hunting last year. Things have been going well recently and have built up a really good bond so decided to take him on Wednesday.

He can be a bit spooky and silly sometimes if he gets inside his head so we didn't really know how he'd find it all. He can be a bit green xc too and not the bravest. It was also a hunting day where they invite children so was a bit shorter, slower paced and less chanllenging than normal.

Well he was a total angel pony from start to finish, he did not put a hoof wrong. From trotting up the road into the carpark which was the meeting point, loads going on, lots of horses and ponies and some very excited, to cantering around headlands, jumping drops and ditches and some fairly big for us man made jumps like brushes and roadblocks. He jumped a series of jumps through a forest with ease. He only ever got a little antsy when we were waiting for a long time at one point but he was very well behaved. He didn't get strong or silly all day.

I was so proud of him, he really enjoyed himself too I think :) I am looking forward to taking him again when I can :)

He did so well for his first hunt ever, and only second time I have hunted myself so I was delighted :)