Well-Known Member
Yet again, I am here to moan about what I have moaned about before. BSJA'ing yesterday. In the pratice ring I watched as a few riders came and went - they came in and instantly began barking orders at their assistants to raise the fences. They'd jump one then ask for it to be raised STRAIGHT after they'd done it. Nobody else had a chance! One person in particular was p*ssing me right off, I kept asking 'his people' to lower the fence so I could finally BEGIN warming up properly as I was due in quite soon and they just kept saying "yes, in a minute, he just needs a jump first". Sod him, what about everyone else!!!!!!! I was due in about 3 horses before him! And as for the buggers who wack the fences right up and then leave them - uhhhhh, hello! Are people meant to jump 4ft as their first warm up fence?!
I am just getting so fed up of it all. It makes it all so stressful which then upsets the horse.
BSJA MUST do something about this. BE have clearly marked stickers on their fences so you cant go above the limits of the class. BSJA do not. There either needs to be more than 2 fences (like 3 or 4 at SET heights) OR they simply need 2 helpers who will move fences up and down depending on what everyone wants, NOT just one person.
I am just getting so fed up of it all. It makes it all so stressful which then upsets the horse.
BSJA MUST do something about this. BE have clearly marked stickers on their fences so you cant go above the limits of the class. BSJA do not. There either needs to be more than 2 fences (like 3 or 4 at SET heights) OR they simply need 2 helpers who will move fences up and down depending on what everyone wants, NOT just one person.