bucking pony


Well-Known Member
13 February 2006
ok basicaly my 4 year old has started bucking (again) and i mean all 4 feet off the floor bucking he did this last year as we have limited turnout he is kept in most the time and goes out when i dont ride him
he is ok once i have worked him. he normaly just has one major bucking session and then just a few play full bucks after
any advice???
gem x


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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I find giving Chancer 10 mins of long reining and 5 mins of trotting on the lunge normally means he is very calm when I get on him - that said he is younger and only recently backed so yours may benefit from 10 mins trotting on the lunge. See my post about devil - yep four feet off the ground and a huge buck - I am one very stiff person this morning so it doesn't always work.

You could also try reducing any hard feed and assume saddle is fine. Last thing - is his back clipped? Using an exercise sheet until he warms up can help - made a huge difference to my WB mare's behaviour.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2004
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Sounds like he's a bit cold backed- if its all 4 feet then I'd imagine he is broncing and thats generally associated either with back discomfort or uncertainess with whats on top of them.
I'd get his saddle checked just in case- they do change shape such a lot as babies. If thats all ok then warm his 1/4s with a sheet and try lunging before you ride him so that he can stretch his muscles a bit first. When you first get on, make sure the girth is tight enough to not need doing up for a few minutes and just walk until he is calm. Be very still in your body and talk quietly to him if he feels like he may try and buck.