Bunny bonding


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3 April 2008
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Brief background.
Jonny is a charity rescue buck, seriously nervous, hates me. Lost his wife before Christmas.
unable to find an older neutered doe I bought Bella a baby rabbit who I picked up a few weeks ago. They have been living side by side and shown no aggression.
Ive done a lot of reading into introducing and bonding. Sounded a bit scary but have been swapping litter and today made a third pen to start introducing.
Research told me they would chase, maybe fight, hump each other. To wear thick gloves as may need emergency separation and fighting rabbits are apparently Pretty vicious ?
So, bit the bullet, popped them in pen 3 so no ones territory and held my breath!
Well they may as well have always been together. She was more interested in eating, he just wanted to sit with her, preferably with his face hidden in her fur. At one point she started washing his face. No nasties at all.
Am I safe to just take away the dividing wall and just mix all their stuff up (is in tunnels and hides so it’s not his half her half)
Or is it not this easy?


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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that’s great :)
I would stick to putting them together for periods during the day when you are able to supervise and make it longer and longer for a few days at least.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2011
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Just beware that Once she reaches sexual maturity (around 16weeks in general) then the hormones may cause a bond to break down, so have the spat in mind ready to book when she hits 16 weeks! Have a chat with your vet about what ages they are happy to spay at, i spay at 16 weeks or 1kg (or less than a kg if tiny breed and already 16 weeks because spaying them is so important and waiting too long increases the risk of uterine and mammary cancer priming and some tiny breeds may only push a kg) but it depends on the vet x

great news that they have gotten on :) agree with the above of a few more supervised dates before you leave them alone. A dustpan is really useful for separating them if you need to intervene (also saves painful bunny bites to you if caught in the crossfire!)


Well-Known Member
16 September 2012
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Excellent news so far. I have been fortunate to have a couple of 'love at first sight' bondings and they stayed strong.

I echo Redders, get the doe spayed as soon as is safe. Not only will it stop her having all sorts of challenges like phantom pregnancies and being grumpy, it will stop her getting womb cancer when she is older (a major killer).


Well-Known Member
3 April 2008
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Aw, that's lovely, but we need a photo!
They all come out sideways! Even if I turn them sideways then post! ?‍♀️
The dustpan tip is great thankyou!
I need to see my vet Monday/Tuesday with my dog so will ask him about spaying her as soon as safely possible. The intention always was to get her done.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2011
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Oh that is so promising for bonding! I love seeing rabbits while bonding. My friends rabbit sadly passed away, leaving one lonely rabbit, and he rescued a pair and bonded them As a trio and it honestly makes my heart sing when he sends photos of them snuggling and grooming ?.
I didn’t mean to sound like I thought you weren’t going to spay her, it was more of a ‘watch out for sexual maturity’ thing to do with the bonding - I only put extra info because I tend to waffle and I also can’t switch off from work mode where I need to explain everything fully - sorry!


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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Aww, they're so cute! And Bella is big, considering she's a crossbreed, do you know if she still have a bit of growing left or not?

Bella is the one with ears, Jon is the one with a tummy ?

Don't feel embarrassed for the tummy, judging by that he's a bunny's bunny, not a people's bunny, I presume your options for trying to make him exercise is between limited to non existent.

Not a bunny, but I struggle with my cat's Cilla's weight. She's on a diet, and she has an outdoor enclosure, which she mainly use for sitting/lying still watching birds, and sunbathing. I try to exercise her, but the outcome is always the same, regardless if I use a red dot thingy, cat toy balls, battery powered mouse, or a ribbon/toy on a string attached to a stick etc, to try to make her move a little, it is mostly about her watching me getting some exercise trying to make her move.


Well-Known Member
14 January 2012
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Oh what a gorgeous picture, so pleased Jonny is hopefully enjoying having a new wife!

I think I'd just keep a eye on them and gradually increasing the time they spend together but maybe not yet leave them together unsupervised


Well-Known Member
26 September 2011
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Beautiful picture!

I sounds like the bonding is going really well. (I remember what it was like when trying to get Alfred a wife - my sweet gentle bunny turning into a horny savage!)