Well-Known Member
I had the vet up today to see about Chex lameness and generally not being right. He confirmed it was arthritis
and recomended bute every day or couple of days all winter (after the original loading dose). I'm not really happy about using bute this often. Does anyone else use bute to help arthritis pain? I'm going to look into other supplements and magnet boots, but I'm not convinced that these really work, especially once arthritis has already set in and is bad enough to make horsey stiff and a bit lame? He is 24, so I guess its to be expected, but I'm just not happy about using bute all winter, every winter. The danolin (?) bute is not suppoed to have the side efffects of other butes apparently! I think the arthritis is pretty much in most joints, anything else I could do? Apart from keeping his weight down and regular excercise.