Well-Known Member
Week 13 after 12 weeks rest - means introduction to work! I've been doing a bit of hand walking and started long reining. Yesterday did 15 minutes in walk, he tried to munch on route but we sorted that out and he was mainly well behaved so all good .or so I thought. Tonight started longreining in walk again, I got to the far end of the large canter track and he broke into trot then did a mahoosive buck then leapt sideways, I let go of one rein, kept hold of the other for about 5 seconds before I had to let go or fall over and he shot off at rocket speed across the field towards the horses in the other paddock with me running after him praying he wouldn't get tangled up in the lines! YO caught him and put him in stable, me looking a bit sheepish! So much for walk work!!!