Buying a horse with a sarcoid?


Well-Known Member
4 July 2006
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I'm very interestd ina 4year old but she has a sarcoid. I have never come acroos these before so any info would be great.


Well-Known Member
15 March 2006
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Hi there,

I have had one horse with Sarcoids and had two fail because of the. It depends on where they are situated, the typed of sarcoid and your vets personal view as they differ in opinion. My own personal view is unless it is a pretty cheap horse with a small sarcoid in an area that will not interfere I would stay clear as they can cause problems. The liverpool research unit will diagnose by photos (£65) and can advise you further if you are interested.

Hope that is helpful and good luck!


Well-Known Member
27 July 2008
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hi would to say not to worry and go ahead and buy, but unfortunatly i can't. i have had many problems with these , having said that i know a few who have got rid of a sarcoid on youngsters, not to have any more problems for years - they came back when the horse was in its late teens. my vet (horse vets) once told me he would never recommend anyone buy a horse with a sarciod. perhaps you could get it comfirmed by the vet that it is an actual sarcoid as other things can look similar and are less sinister. good luck


Well-Known Member
22 August 2006
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My boy is 15 and had one sarcoid in his groin two years ago. We had this removed and he now has 5 more and one the size of a golf ball. They havn't spread anywhere else but in my experience a horse that has one will be prone to more. They dont affect my boy that much, as to whether I would buy a youngster with one is a matter for debate. If it is an expensive horse probably not. Good luck


Well-Known Member
4 November 2006
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I discovered that my young horse had a sarcoid a few days after I bought him, and found more over the following days. I was very worried about this, the vet missed it as it was hidden under his coat (I got him in the middle of winter). He was due to be treated with Liverpool cream, but in the weeks that it took to arrive, the sarcoids disappeared. The vet said that this can happen occasionally. However, I was very lucky, and I would not have bought him if the vet had found them. They would have been reported in his vetting, and so would have been excluded from insurance. Many of the treatments, especially the LIverpool cream, are very expensive. I bought my horse with a view to selling him eventually, and his value would have been reduced with sarcoids. Also, as you will see from some of the replies, many people will not touch a horse with sarcoids, so they can be difficult to sell. I think that there are enough difficulties in keeping a horse fit and healty, without buying more problems!


Well-Known Member
22 September 2004
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I have purchased a horse with a sarcoid (inside thigh so didnt interfere with saddle or girth). I have also had horses get sarcoids after I bought them. I have been lucky and always managed to get rid of them with herbal treatment (Thuja) and they have never come back, so guess I am less worried than most. Having said that I wouldnt buy a horse with a big sarcoid as I'm only confident of getting rid of them when small (either small pea size, or the flat sarcoids which are pretty easy to get rid of)


Well-Known Member
4 July 2007
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My daughter and I have bought a 3 year old with 2 sarcoids. The vet would not pass her because one was on her face. We bought her because of her lovely temperament and although I know we face expense and worry now trying to treat the sarcoids, every day she endears herself more to us. We didn't pay a lot for her and therefore have money left to hopefully treat the sarcoids. We are not into showing or high level equestrian activities, just wanted a sensible alrounder and hopefully she will be just that. In the end the decision is up to you. good luck.