Buying a youngster


Well-Known Member
16 January 2007
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Has anyone here bought and backed a baby without much physical help? I'm only really thinking hypothetically at the mo but know that if I did buy a 2-2.5 year old in the next year then I'd be moving to a new area. I've got a friend on the end of the phone who is very experienced. I would say I'm fairly competant, have ridden quite a lot of different horses inc babies (although never just backed). Would be my first horse (although have ridden for other people). Would also be native so not super highly strung dressage prospect or anything but still, would never underestimate them!

Hope this doesn't sound too ridiculous an idea, but rest assured I'm not about to go out and buy a 2 year old tomorrow!




Well-Known Member
20 April 2007
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No no no no no.

Unless you have oodles of time and money and are very experienced and have an very experienced friend on hand 24/7, then don't do it. You can get a decent horse for what you'd pay.

Just my personal experience - been there, done it, would NEVER do it again.


Well-Known Member
17 February 2008
When I broke my girl I did it mostly on my own, the only time I needed help was someone walking at side of her until she got used to long reining and then again to hold her when I first lay over her and actually got on her. I think its always a good idea to have somone present though, just in case! lol
Good luck


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28 October 2008
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The first horse i bought was a 2 yr old native. I broke her in on my own with little help. But you will DEF need help for certain parts, so i wouldnt advise to do it on your own. Also when you start doing a bit more with them its good to have someone else around just in case. I needed someone to call an ambulance for me and put my horse away after a nasty fall when she was three.

I think it was worth the hard work but it does take so much more time than you ever think. You also have to be able to deal with feeling like you have taken one step forward and three back sometimes.

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
16 January 2007
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Thanks guys, it's good to hear some thoughts on the subject. To be honest I've never really thought about a total baby before but have be having musings recently.

I totally undersatand the safety aspect of having other people around. My aim would be to find a busy-ish yard where ever I moved to and hopefully meet people there but also just know that people were around - that really goes for however old the pony is! Currently ride one that can be a bit pesty in the school and I don't tend to do much if no one is on the yard fortunately there is a good evening crowd so even though I don't know many people I hope they would pick me up off the floor if they found me!

I'd be aiming to find an instructor in the area as well for regular lessons / training sessions so would hopefully have expert keeping an eye on proceedings too.


Well-Known Member
20 May 2008
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We have recently backed 2 of our babies last summer. We did all the background work with them at had them since they were 5 and 6 months old. We had already done alot of the ground work with them and they had total trust in us.
It was my first time breaking anything in but my partner had done it a fair few times in the past.
We backed them slowly not over a short period of time ad they have been extremely willing to learn. Although its extremely hard work it is very rewarding!
We recently brought a 3 year old who we plan to back properly at the end of the summer.
I would agree that you need people around you that have done it before, therefore have the experience.
I am hoping the 3 year old will be as smooth as our other 2, not having has her from a proper baby so there for will only have been doing ground work for 6 months or so.
If you have the time, and help on hand (but not just over the phone as will need people to physically help as hiccups arise) then i would highly recommeded it!


Well-Known Member
8 June 2005
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Got my baby at 8month old...TB,and i broke him myself with a non horsey partners help
...however i had had him from being little so knew his temperament inside and out,and i had laid ALL the ground rules!However if it were me buying a 2 yr old i would want somebody with experience to hand to help out as much as possible